January 14, 2014

ARTFLOP Tour Lives Up To It's Name

THIS IS A POP EMERGENCY!! Someone call 911! ARTRAVE: The ARTPOP Ball is dying and needs emergency resuscitation! Quick! Where's the defibrillator?  Scissors!  I need scissors to cut open the ARTSHIRT! Phew!  There we go.


Not sure if this is going to work.  There isn't any amount of promotion to save the ARTRAVE.  What I'm witnessing before my very eyes on Ticketmaster's website is enough to make the most hardened of hearts cry.  Oversaturation and pretension is never a good thing. 

Sunrise FL

Atlanta, GA

Pittsburgh, PA

Washington D.C.

Vancouver, B.C.

She's doing well in Uncasville, CT.

Seattle, WA

So far only the North American dates have been announced.  Although European, Asian and uh, South American dates haven't been announced, I'm sure she'll go there as soon as she erases the original ARTPOP release date from the collective memory and re-releases it with ARTPOP II. Although I'm not sure why she would bother.  The tour starts in the US and Canada to make up for cancelled dates due to her plastic hip surgery.

This is like the South American leg of the Born This Way Ball all over again.

January 13, 2014

Holy Photoshop Batman! Lady Gaga on Elle.

Lady Gaga will, uh, grace the cover of Elle Magazine and she is completely unrecognizable!  The combination of photoshop and Baby I Was Born This Way plastic surgery is like that big flashing neon sign you find in Chinatown.

Shameless album promotion. It won't work.

Yeah, because THIS looks like Gaga.

Oh wait....that's not right.  Here....

I only have two words to describe this photoshop extravaganza.  Holy shit.

And did you see the pictures from the Golden Globes?  Her lips are filled out again and she looks frozen to the 10th botox degree.

And check out this petition asking that official action be taken against Gaga's fans for hate, bullying and harassment.

January 12, 2014

Disturbing Anti-LGBT Tweets

Dear readers

Last night a very disturbing tweet came up my feed by someone that claims to be a pastor.  I used to follow this person based on his animal rights stance, not knowing at the time that he was so hateful and criminal. His name is Martin Cisneros and he goes by Online Vegan on Twitter.  He runs Fountain of Gardens Ministries in Fort Worth, Texas.

These are his tweets, which I screen capped just in case he deletes them.

I've reported him to the FBI.  I can handle someone not agreeing with LGBT rights.  They are entitled to their opinion although it's an uneducated, ignorant opinion that's based in fear. But when someone is starting a movement to murder LGBT, incite violent and break the law, something must be done.  

I am not religious at all but this is not Christianity! Or is it?  Maybe this is the American right wing version of Christianity because I'll tell you right now, I have never met a group of more hateful, bigoted, ignorant, confused and deranged people like the American Christian Right Wing.  Do these moronic Christians in America honestly think that Jesus would condone this behaviour?  Here's a big newsflash for them - their stupid Bible was written by several different authors! None of it came from God and Jesus.  These authors took their opinions of that time and included it in a book to ensure that you agree with them or else burn in a mythical place called hell.  They also left chapters out. Did they ever ask themselves why?  That's all I'm going to say about that.

If you live in Forth Worth, please contact your local authorities.  If you can, please file your own complaint to the FBI at this link.  Share this post and make it go viral.


I've contacted several news outlets in the Fort Worth area.  NBC FW got back to me and are investigating. Telemundo in FW tweeted him.  The reporters are getting on this. My instincts tell me this guy is going to have his 15 min of fame.

Lady Gaga Loses Relevance Plus Wendy Williams Tells Gaga Straight!

TV talk show host Wendy Williams had a few choice words to say to Our Lady of Perpetual Victim-hood.  It all had to do with the whining and complaining about ARTPOP's flop parade on every worldwide chart possible.  Like us, Wendy Williams can see it's plain as day that the blame does not lie with Gaga's management or team.  Gaga, from day one, has maintained that she's putting her all into ARTPOP.  That this was a creative process that she was in charge of, to every last detail.  I'm convinced that Troy walked or was fired because he couldn't take her arrogance any longer. Gaga definitely became difficult to work with and was completely inflexible.  That's why ARTPOP is an ARTFLOP.  She refused to listen to advice and take direction.  Gaga became the contemptuousness know-it-all.


It' so easy to blame others when things don't go your way, isn't it?  Let's throw all those who had to suffer through her unendurable personality for several years, under the bus.  Nice cop out Caca.  No one's buying. Not the general public and not even your critics.

Speaking of critics, here's another whiny self-pity rant of Gaga's.

Grow a backbone Gaga.  Critics are there for a reason. Even your fans can critique you. Maybe you should start paying attention to it.  You might save your career.  If that's even possible at this stage four career cancer. Gaga's too caught up in the high art bullshit that she walks around actually believing she's some important highbrow artist.  That delusion is sure to drive a huge wedge between her and the people who try to manage her because her arrogance and braggadocio will prevent her from seeing that her ideas have been disastrous.  Flying dress anyone?  How about the naked yodeling imbecile in the forest?  No?  How about working with pedophiles? Oh and people with ears can critique music. 

Rumor has it that Gaga's father, Joe Germanotta, is her new manager and is taking 50% of her earnings.  50 percent!!!!  That is insane.  This is a recipe for disaster.  An insider told me that Gaga's relationship with her mother is allegedly very strained and that even Cynthia has turned against her own daughter.  With Papa Joe at the helm, I give their relationship one year before it crumbles into a pile of burnt coal.  

Definitely worth the read.  Check it out!

January 10, 2014

Crash The Critic: Angela Cheng’s ARTPOP Problem

This is a snippet from a new post by Monster's Culture.  Show him your support by reading his post and give him your comments. He's trying to get down to the Angela Cheng mystery.  I don't believe Angela is who she says she is but there is a real person behind the facade.  That real person seems to have some type of insider information as she knew that Bill Werde would lose his position at Billboard weeks before it happened.

Angela Cheng is starting her own website and moving away fro The Examiner.  It should be interesting to see if any more of her predictions become reality; and that's a reality Lady Gaga will be forced to live in.


So there's been a lot of drama today.  All you have to do is read through the comments to see. Angela, thank you for coming out, speaking, being direct  and answering people's questions.  Here's my stance.  Does it really matter if we know who Angela is or not? Probably not.  Yes, there is a curiosity factor. Especially since she broke the $25 million story about Gaga.  I'm not sure if that number is totally accurate but since MSM picked up the story, I would have to assume they did their own digging as well.  She did know about Bill Werde losing his position at Billboard.  One bird, two stones right?  That right there is enough to peak anyone's interest; and it did!

I also don't reveal my identity for several reasons.  First, my main job.  In addition to walking dogs part time, I run a business in the entertainment field and I don't want my clients, colleagues and peers to know about this blog. Second, Gaga's fans.  That's all I need to say about that.  My name is Stefanie.  I am a "Miss" meaning I'm not married.  I'm definitely a woman.

I'm not Angela Cheng, Peter Buchanan, Paws Down, Perez Hilton or any others that I've been accused of being. Further, we have no proof that Angela is either.  People will always speculate and that's fine.  Angela confirmed that the first picture she used was not her and says the current picture is, albeit it heavily and creatively photoshopped.  I'm satisfied with her answer.

I think what we need to remember is exactly what Angela says.  We are on the same side.  So let's work together. I'm looking forward to reading Angela's website once it's live.  Hopefully she'll put the $25M story back up! ;)

January 8, 2014

Lady Gaga Gets Called Out

Read the rest here!

All the points in the article make complete sense and some I've touched on myself.  She's passing the buck, of that I have no doubt.  That doesn't mean I don't believe she's feeling sad, despair or desperate right now.  She might and could be;  but it's gravely misguided.  I believe wholeheartedly that she is blaming the lackluster performance of ARTPOP on her former team instead of right where it belongs, on herself. 

Gaga has repeatedly tweeted with emphasis about how ARTPOP was coming along and it's obvious she spent two years working on, beginning during the Born This Way Ball; and spending a lot of time on it while recovering from plastic surgery.  The Applause video was not given one week to plan and execute. She had been working on it for weeks and she said so herself.  She lied.  Then again, Gaga is a pathological liar so that should come as no surprise.  She lies so often that she forgets her own lies.  

Gaga prides herself on being the one in charge of her career.  She's often said that she isn't manufactured, she writes her own music and is fulfilling her artistic vision.  So when her vision fails to meet her expectations, suddenly she isn't in charge anymore.  

Gaga has said that the people closest to her betrayed her.  That the people who she thought were supposed to care weren't there for her when she needed them the most.  I think a more accurate story is that these same people were exhausted by her and burnt out from trying to manage and guide her.  They ran out of steam.  Her betrayers were the ones that had the guts to give her a different opinion opposed to nodding their head with a pathetic yes to her every whim and request. Her betrayers were the people not willing to enable her.  Gaga's betrayers are the ones that had the guts to say no.

January 5, 2014

Gaga Meltdown on Little Monsters Website

Gaga had a public tête-à-tête with fans on her Little Monsters website after a fan posted her concern about Gaga's mental and emotional state, to which Stefani responded.

Stefani also tackled the rumor about Interscope losing $25 million.

The rumor started when Examiner writer Angela Cheng posted a story about it, which was picked up by mainstream media and it blew up all over the Internet.  The story has since been deleted by Cheng.  The financial loss is likely a lie or a gross exaggeration but we can't deny that ARTPOP failed to live up to it's hype.  

What's obvious here is that Gaga is not in a good place mentally or she's playing it up to get the pity vote.  Here's the thing, Gaga wanted fame and she got it.  What she didn't count on were critics. Maybe it's because she doesn't think she deserves any criticism.  Whatever it is, she clearly can't handle it.  By her saying that "actors and singers need critics to grow" is a lie, she is basically stating that no one should ever criticize anything a person in the public eye does.  That is wrong. Especially when you work with known pedophiles and sexual predators, you better damn well know you're getting judged.  There is no free pass because you want to label yourself an artist.  

Any clue on who those people are that were not there when she woke up from surgery? Troy Carter maybe? Other industry people? My guess is that Troy Carter, being a manager, became exasperated trying to work with his client. He was going in one direction and she was going in another.  Stefani likely became very difficult to work with; determined to pursue the performance art path.  Carter knew it wouldn't work and he was right.  So he walked or was fired.  

Get real Stefani.  This isn't Candy Land where everything is kittens and flowers.  This is the music business and I do not believe for one second that she didn't use those people as they used her. Gaga knew what she wanted career wise, she went after it and she got it.  To try to pass herself off as the innocent victim that didn't have a poker hand in all of this is an insult to her fan's intelligence. By the way, record companies are not your friend. They are the worst of them all.  They are there to make money from the next big star.  That's it. End of story.

Another massive mistake Stefani made was to create this faux relationship with her fans.  Honestly, it's scary.  If you want to spread a positive message, fine, more power to you.  But to create this false sense of romanticism and illusion of friendship is very manipulative, very cult-like and very creepy.  

Gaga is placing all her strength and determination in an outside force (her fans) instead of finding it within.  Or is she?  Could this be a tactic to wield a fictitious and misleading relationship with what are essentially strangers; for the sole goal of profit?

Is that last screen cap a stomach virus disguised as a forum comment because I'm about to puke all over myself. Taylor Kinney probably doesn't give a shit about her fans and that's not me being mean. That's me being realistic. Who the hell looks into another person's eyes and says "I can feel that you love my fans"? How corny.  

I know several of you are wondering about my Twitter exchange with Angela Cheng.  First, let me say that what Angela says is not my opinion.  I am not spreading lies or misinformation.  I'm simply blogging about what someone else told me.  I have no way of knowing if Angela is telling me the truth or not.  All of this is alleged. 

Angela says she is not changing her stance on Gaga but will continue to criticize her in a way that isn't damaging. Angela did tell me in a private Twitter message that she did speak to Gaga herself and that Gaga was in an awful place, her speech isn't coherent. Cheng believes Gaga is suicidal. Cheng claims that Gaga no longer feels she can trust anyone, including her own mother.  She also claims to have spoken to Troy Carter and he is very concerned about her safety.  Everyone in Gaga's inner circle is turning on her, which Angela replied that she brought this on herself.  Gaga's response was that she was forced to do things by her management that led to her career decline.  I personally doubt that.  It's not in a management company's best interest to ruin their client's career. Troy made her who she is today.  I'm leaning more toward the fact that Gaga is ruining her career all by herself.

I asked Angela why Gaga would talk to her?  Why should she trust her of all people?  Angela's response was that Gaga doesn't trust anyone and only wanted Angela to hear her side. Which brings me to my next question; why would Gaga care about telling Angela her side?

I did question Angela as to why she was using a stock photo picture of a young Chinese girl to identify herself on The Examiner.  She did not reply to that.

Angela says there's a lot more and she will email me in more detail later.  That email has yet to come.


And more....Gaga's excuse about the extreme delay for the pedo song video, Do What U Want.

No, the DWUW video isn't here because she made the huge mistake by inviting an alleged pedophile to sing along with her.  I suppose her former management made her do it. Blaming everyone else again for why ARTPOP failed is such a cop out.  Stefani has always been very vocal about how she's in charge of her career; that she calls the shots, writes her own music and is not manufactured.  So when things take a downturn, suddenly she's not in charge anymore? I mean, she's blaming that shitty Applause video on time! All her previous videos managed to get done so is she seriously trying to pass the buck on to everyone but herself?  Now she's going to pretend the release date didn't happen and that the next few months will give ARTPOP a jump start.  I don't think there are jumper cables big enough in the universe to make that happen!

"Let me be for you the Goddess that I know I truly am. Let me show you the visions that have been in my mind for two years. I love you. Forgive me monsters. Forgive me ARTPOP. You are my whole world".  Is she high?  She must be flying so high right now because there's no other possible rational explanation for those last few sentences.  None.


Furthermore, she is lying about the Applause video and I have proof.  Her Tweets!

What was that Gaga about you only having a week to plan and execute the Applause video? Yeah, I thought so.

Love it!