June 9, 2012

Daphne Guinness, Isabella Blow and Lady Gaga

Isabella Blow and Daphne Guinness

I came across this article from The Telegraph UK about Daphne Guinness auctioning off her wardrobe.  I immediately thought "Stefani's gonna be all over this" and as I continued to read the article, I saw this:

Stefani admits to examining the lives of Isabella Blow and Daphne Guinness, just as she examined the lives of many others, to create her manufactured persona.  Only she uses the manipulative tactic of calling them a source of "inspiration" to cover up allegedly stealing from them in addition to overly complimenting.  Over complimenting is a painfully transparent sign of insincerity.  Throwing around the buzzword "inspiration" removes the burden of theft from Lady Gaga.  Then of course when she's called out on it, she's bullied and feels bad about herself; telling herself nothing will destroy what she's supposedly created; how only good people try to find the good in others; bad people find the bad.  The only problem is this:

isn't "inspiration", it's theft.  It's outright copying.

This is "inspiration".

Grace Kelly & Kate Middleton - dress comparison

Can you see the difference between the two?

Then to further justify her theft, she quotes Pablo Picasso saying "good artists copy, great artists steal".  Oh Lady Gaga, you poor, stupid, delusional little twat.  One day, you will get yours.  Either in the form of a lawsuit (oh wait....Japan charity bracelet scam, served hot with a side of Judas) or a bloody squash down courtesy of a mack truck driven by one of those whom you steal from.  Grabbing my popcorn............

It's highly doubtful that Stefani had even heard of Guinness and Blow until she sat in a meeting with her team to lay down the ground work to create the fakery that is Lady Gaga.