January 12, 2014

Disturbing Anti-LGBT Tweets

Dear readers

Last night a very disturbing tweet came up my feed by someone that claims to be a pastor.  I used to follow this person based on his animal rights stance, not knowing at the time that he was so hateful and criminal. His name is Martin Cisneros and he goes by Online Vegan on Twitter.  He runs Fountain of Gardens Ministries in Fort Worth, Texas.

These are his tweets, which I screen capped just in case he deletes them.

I've reported him to the FBI.  I can handle someone not agreeing with LGBT rights.  They are entitled to their opinion although it's an uneducated, ignorant opinion that's based in fear. But when someone is starting a movement to murder LGBT, incite violent and break the law, something must be done.  

I am not religious at all but this is not Christianity! Or is it?  Maybe this is the American right wing version of Christianity because I'll tell you right now, I have never met a group of more hateful, bigoted, ignorant, confused and deranged people like the American Christian Right Wing.  Do these moronic Christians in America honestly think that Jesus would condone this behaviour?  Here's a big newsflash for them - their stupid Bible was written by several different authors! None of it came from God and Jesus.  These authors took their opinions of that time and included it in a book to ensure that you agree with them or else burn in a mythical place called hell.  They also left chapters out. Did they ever ask themselves why?  That's all I'm going to say about that.

If you live in Forth Worth, please contact your local authorities.  If you can, please file your own complaint to the FBI at this link.  Share this post and make it go viral.


I've contacted several news outlets in the Fort Worth area.  NBC FW got back to me and are investigating. Telemundo in FW tweeted him.  The reporters are getting on this. My instincts tell me this guy is going to have his 15 min of fame.