Showing posts with label Pretentious. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pretentious. Show all posts

November 10, 2013

Lady Gaga's latest desperate attempt for attention; a flying dress!

Let's all give thanks and a round of applause to Lady Gaga, for creating something we all need; a flying dress.  Stefani demonstrated her useful creation Volantis tonight and it's a complete and utter fail.  When I heard about the flying dress mess, I envisioned a dress with a jet pack of some sort on the back.  Instead we get this:

This is not a flying dress.  This is a body suit attached to a platform with six propellers to help it get off the ground.  The width of the propellers fits her inflated head nicely and it's hard enough trying to get that through a door!


What you've just witnessed is another jump the shark moment courtesy of Stefani.  Here's another view.  She's obviously been spending lots of time trying to think of something that no one else has done and this is what she comes up with.  A storm-trooper outfit with a fan stuck to her head.  The funniest part (as if this wasn't funny enough) was Gaga dressing up as an astronaut to introduce her contraption of epic proportions.

An astronaut!  She barely got two feet off the ground!  Oh the delusion!  Trapeze artists have flown higher than this! Maybe if she did a couple of rails first, she might get the feeling of being higher. Holy shit, I feel like I'm watching Wile .E. Coyote falling off a cliff in a Bugs Bunny cartoon.

So guys, where would you, um, wear this? 

August 25, 2012

Answer to a Little Monster question

This question was asked of me in a previous post.

I'll gladly answer honestly.  Feel free to post this on the Little Monster's website because I have no doubt that's where you're coming from.  I'll start with me.

I do not wear fur.  My uncle brought me back a fur coat from Russia when I was four.  I have never worn fur since and do not plan to ever wear it.  As for leather, if someone knows of a cruelty free shoe company that is orthopedic, please let me know.  My feet are so sensitive all the comfortable shoes from stores like Walking on a Cloud are made from leather.  After years of buying cheap shoes, my feet can't take it anymore.

I've recently became a vegetarian due to reaching a moral crossroads with my beliefs and what I do.  For a long time now, the products I buy are vegan and cruelty free.  All my products from toiletries to household cleaners. Nothing I buy is derived from an animal.  It's more expensive but so be it.

I do eat eggs and dairy.  My dairy is bought from Organic Meadow and I buy my eggs directly from a farm where the chickens roam free, eggs are hand picked and the chickens are there solely for producing eggs. They are not killed after.  If I can't make it to the farm, I buy free range, always.

Now on to meat.  I believe the choice to eat meat is a personal one.  Having said that, anyone who takes the time to research the meat industry will find that there are meat packaging plants that are horrific such as the Central Valley Meat Packers in California that was very recently shut down.  If you haven't seen the undercover video, by all means watch it right here.  

As you can see, the torture of these poor animals is atrocious.  Putting meat in your mouth from animals as stressed out as these cannot be good for you.  Meat from slaughterhouses like this tend to be cheaper and pumped up with antibiotics and hormones.  McDonald's, In & Out Burger and Costco are three companies that recently terminated business with Central Valley over the animal abuse.

On the other side of the spectrum, there are meat packers that kill their animals in a more humane way. One is Cargill.  Cargill is the company that allowed Oprah Winfrey and Lisa Ling to film inside their facility. You can watch the story at

So what's the point in telling you this?  The point is that there is a clear choice for people who choose to eat meat. The choice is where you choose to buy it from.  Do you prefer to buy meat that came from Cargill or from slaughterhouses such as Central Valley?  Do your research.  It's not hard to find.

Meat does provide nutrition to people and I believe that although humans do not need meat to survive, we are omnivores.  If someone chooses to educate themselves and buy meat from humane sources, I will not fault them. Meat serves a purpose.  You don't wear meat for fashion....unless your Lady Gaga, trying to make a point that kind of gets lost because it's incomprehensible like most of her drivel.

Moving on to fur.  The purpose of fur serves absolutely no intrinsic value whatsoever other than to satisfy the fashion industry, spoiled rich brats and people who think owning fur is a status symbol.  It satisfies greed, materialism and so called wealth.  The carcass of the animal is then discarded after it's been skinned alive. Unless you are an Inuit or other tribe living in the Arctic, fur is useless and unnecessary.  It's like owning a Hummer and you don't live in the freakin' Himalayas.

If you took the time to watch even part of the above video then you know that what you saw is what Lady Gaga, Kardashian and others condone every time they put a fur garment on.  The production of fur is beyond cruel and demented. Quite frankly, it's fucked up.  People who buy fur like Lady Gaga know exactly where it comes from and how it's produced.  Yet they continue to buy it.  Why? Because they are materialistic, selfish and shallow.  They feel important and special draped in fur.  They feel so fashionable and hip. They define themselves by their designer labels.  Don't believe me?  Lady Gaga colored her hair brown and called the shade Louis Vuitton brown.  When she was slammed for wearing fur, she mockingly told critics to credit the designer Hermes.  She once said that her life dream was to be dressed in Italian designers.  Seriously, should that even be a life dream?  Pathetic. This picture accurately depicts her for what she really is.  A shallow, money hungry,  label and status whore.  The biggest fraud in the celebrity world next to the Kardashians.  

The fact that Lady Gaga pulls the "art" card once again to justify her need for material things is disgusting and unforgivable.  It is an insult to the animals and to anyone who cares more about animals than their fucking clothes. GagMe asked us to respect her views.  Why should anyone respect her views when her views cause the immense and intense suffering of a living creature.  Given her logic and a certain cause she apparently fights for, I wonder if she respects the view of people who are against gay marriage or gay people?  The Taliban's view is that women should suppressed in the worst way.  Should we respect their view because it happens to be their view?  

Any logical person knows that while everyone has their "views" on things, if the view is wrong, we are not required to respect it.  Doing what's right earns respect.  

There is NOTHING art-like in the video you saw above or in the final product and my guess is that Lady Gaga's perfume is tested on animals as well.

Lady Gaga Explains Running Out of Ideas

Lady Gaga released a statement on the concept of ARTPOP and what it means to her.  What it really is, is Stefani running out of ideas and spinning a bunch of drivel masquerading as an artistic transformation.

Stefani says that not everyone will understand ARTPOP.  Actually yes dear, we understand.  You did all the music industry thieving and trolling you could do and crammed it into four years.  What else can you do but go back to being normal.  

Let's get one thing straight about GAGART.  There is no new concept for visual and musical expression in Stefani's world.  There is no such thing because it's all been stolen from other classic acts. She wanted to call it GAGART but was worried she'd be labeled pretentious and snobby; but she tells us anyway.  So she is pretentious and snobby.   Maybe GAGART is this:

Thanks to the anon for the dead kitten pic, that made me laugh!

Thanks to Paws Down for tweeting the pic to me.