March 8, 2012

Kony 2012 Video is Bullshit


Thanks to Anon that posting this link.   Since the explosion of Kony 2012 yesterday, there's been reports calling Invisible Children a scam or not being entirely truthful.  Until Invisible Children addresses these accusations, I'm withdrawing my support.  I haven't donated anything. I almost did though, last night.  I was about to get out of bed to grab my wallet when I realized I left it in the car.  They say everything happens for a reason right.  I'll be taking this intelligent young lady's advice and educating myself.

Invisible Children needs to come clean because the stuff I've read and listened to so far doesn't seem so far fetched.  Besides, why would anyone try to discredit a charity for doing good?  There's probably a good reason.  

Let's not forget Syria.  Peace.

Part II below.


MUST READ! An investigative article by The Guardian UK about the accusations.

UPDATE:  Invisible Children has responded.  What they say makes a lot of sense too.  Except the part about Ke$ha being a poet.  The fuck? 

So, who to believe?  

March 7, 2012

Lady Gaga 'furious' about biopic

In other words, she's doesn't want to be portrayed as she really is?  She'd rather......hang on.......wait for it........have the LIE portrayed!   Listen Stefani, a biopic isn't needed to convince people you're insecure and needy.  People already know that honey.  It's more obvious than you think.  It's nothing to be ashamed of but don't confuse yourself with an Oscar winning actor because you're not that good at fooling people. 


March 6, 2012

KONY 2012


Do you have 30 min to spare?  I hope so.  Watch this film called Kony 2012.  It's spreading like wildfire.  Joseph Kony is a Ugandan rebel army leader.  He kidnaps children right out of their beds and forces them to fight in his army.  The things he makes these kids do is horrific.  The boys are forced to kill.  The girls are forced to be sex slaves.

The film maker's goal is to make this man famous because fame is the very thing he does not want.....and to stop him.  His name is spreading all over Twitter.  Please share this.  The goal is to get 500,000 shares but I think it's going to get a lot more!

Lady Gaga Surpasses 20 Million Followers on Twitter........Or Did She?

Google "Lady Gaga" and you're bound to find several news and celebrity gossip outlets singing Gaga's praises, ooo-ing and ah-ing that she's made Twitter history and has more than 20 million followers, 2 million more than Justin Bullshit.  When she hit 15 million, it was news. Same with 16, 17 and 18 and so on and so on.  Yawn.

Impressive right?  Not so fast.  One painfully obvious fact that media outlets fail to recognize is if you do the simple math, the numbers don't add up.  If Stefani has 20 million followers, with an actual real person representing each follower, then why has she only sold 8 million copies of Born This Way.  Or was it 5 million?  No, it was actually 8 million shipped but 5 million sold.  Whatever.  What I mean is if she actually has 20 million legit Twitter followers, shouldn't she have sold 20 million copies of Born This Way by now?

Am I the only one who sees this as suspicious?   It's as obvious as Rihanna's poor self image getting wet for Chris Brown's fist that Little Monsters are creating fake accounts to increase their Goddess' fan base by spawning imaginary people.  I'm sure Bieber's fans are doing the same and Britney fans and who ever pop tarts fans.  I can't imagine legit artists such as Gotye, Kasabian or Kings of Leon's fans signing up fake accounts because, oh I don't know, they're mature. 

Maybe if the media took their fists out of Gaga's ass for five minutes and actually used that thing in their head called a brain, they would report the facts.  Even during Stefani's Born This Way Foundation launch, one of the panelists was jizzing her pants over Stefani's humongous Twitter following.  

Well, I'm calling fake on this one.  In addition to her fans, I wouldn't doubt that her record company and media firms are behind this as well. Maybe even dear old dad.

Though I'm sure Stefani's convinced herself in that narcissistic brain of hers that each and everyone are real.  No kidding she thinks of herself as a revolutionary with Messiah like qualities.  Wouldn't it be funny if she tried to walk on water in the middle of the pacific!

March 5, 2012

Gaga Didn't Create Monsters, She Created Robots

Lady Gaga: The Hypocrite and Liar - Part 1000

Over the past few months, I've seen photos of Stefani wearing what appears to be fur.  I was reluctant to post anything about because the fur didn't look real to me.  Then today, I came across this article from The Daily Mail UK.

I have to ask, what happened to dressing up like Kermit the Frog to protest wearing fur?

Lady Gaga protesting fur
This is just another example of Stefani's shallow hype and stupid clothes to protest this or that but turning out to be a hypocrite.......and liar.  What a surprise. If she keeps lying, her nose is going to grow bigger than it already is.  If that's even possible.

The picture here are a pair of the shoes designed by this freak, weirdo designer and it does look like something Gaga would wear.  It's ugly and tacky.  I'm not sure why anyone would want to look like a centaur.

The shoe designer says that when she first started her sick little hobby, she would pick up dead carcasses of animals off the street.  Now she goes to her local butcher to collect carcasses that would be thrown out after making sausages.

Correct me if I'm wrong but that would be pig carcasses, right??  Rhetorical question.  Where is the designer getting the dead horses, snakes and other animals not normally found at a butcher shop?

It sounds like the designer does not raise and murder the animals herself but her product is still fur. Isn't it irresponsible of Gaga to buy and wear this product regardless, especially after protesting fur?  If someone doesn't know how this product becomes a product and sees a photo of Stefani wearing the shoes, one would assume that it's fur.   

Stefani should really shut her trap.  Everything about her is contradictory and full of shit.  I'd rather see her run over by a horse instead of wearing one.

March 4, 2012

Screw Gaga, Screw Madonna....Just Kidding!

Ok, I'm a Madonna fan because I grew up with her.  Her best work in my opinion is Confessions on a Dance Floor, hands down.  I'm not too excited about M.D.N.A. so far but I do like Girl Gone Wild better than GMAYL.  I'm open to hearing more singles from Madonna because when you wrap this whole thing up, she's been around for 30 years plus and is going down in the books like The Beatles and Elvis.  So I will always have a soft spot for her.

THIS girl I've been excited about for a while.....Ellie Goulding.  Ellie's song "Lights" is No.85 on the Billboard Top 100, peaked at No.79.  "Lights" has been on the charts for 10 weeks.  Do you know what this tells us?  That most people don't know good music if it came in the form of a mack truck driving over you, crushing you under it's weight!  I heard the song once on the radio in L.A.  Never anywhere else except my mp3 player.

Ellie hails from England.  She sings, plays guitar and drums.   She's in the pop genre but with a mature twist which I think will appeal to adults more so than teeny boppers such as Little Monsters.

Check out the song "Lights".