January 29, 2012


One thing that I cannot stand, one thing that drives me to a point where I need to get into a zen space real fast is anything that causes harm and injury to animals.  This story is an outrage and it's making it's way around the Internet very quickly.  

If you're angry like me and want to express your anger, feel free to contact Ogden CAP Properties.  They manage the property.  The condo board members refuse to take any responsibility.

I have a dog and I love him more than anything I can ever imagine.  I work with dogs part time, all types of breeds.  I totally understand the anguish Nick Santino must have felt. I don't know why Santino didn't feel he could send his beloved dog to a friend or family while he searched for a new place.  It's an extreme reaction however the condo board made his life a living hell as did several impossible tenants.

January 27, 2012

Lady Gaga Set To Launch Social Network Site

I heard about Backplane a while back.  I'm sure it will do very well.  Especially among Stefani and her fans. 

I don't know just how sincere Stefani is with this "My fans! My fans!  I love you! You make me brave!" bullshit but what she's doing here is genius.  Sheeple - you know, the type of people that would pitch a tent for three days in miserable weather just to catch a glimpse of their idol at an award show - those type of people - will be all over this like maggots feeding on the corpse of Gaga's dead career.  It's also brilliant manipulation.  Stefani has created this pseudo bond with her fans and lead them to believe that they have a real relationship with her when nothing can be further from the truth.  What an absolutely amazing way to line her money hating pockets! By launching a social networking platform designed to create a translucent illusion for her fans to believe that they have EVEN more of a connection with their queen.

It's hard to say how other celebrities will feel about this.  Stalkers are a real threat and so many celebrities already had to deal with them, the courts, the scares, the break ins into their home.  Some have even been killed.  Remember Rebecca Schaeffer?  I doubt they will want to open up another avenue for these crazies to get even closer.  

Stefani better start using her brain.  One day, the wrong type of little monster is going to get too close because of Stefani's duck sitting status.  Mark my words, one day this is going to come back and bite her in the ass.
Rival Facebook?  Sorry, not convinced about that one.

Thanks Pike for the link.


January 26, 2012

Sh*t Madonna Says


This did make me laugh.....thank you Anon for the link.
Hey guys

I've been told and I've read some of the comments from other celebrity sites like Oh No They Didn't and there's been some chatter that I'm the person who is running Help Mother Monster / Monster's Against Madonna.

Then today someone commented on my civil rights post HERE saying that I'm behind Rick's blog AND that I'm a racist and ageist.  

First of all, how the hell am I a racist?  When have I ever said anything racist on this blog???  And ageist?  Where?  I invite you to show me asshole.

Not that I have to tell my steady readers but I AM NOT running the other blog.   If any of Gaga's minions come here and think that, I suggest you grab a map and look someplace else because your sniffing in the wrong place. 

CORRECTION:  The above comment was not directing toward me.  I made a mistake.  I read "that blog" as "this blog" and assumed the commenter was referring to mine.  He/she was referring to Rick's blog.  Sorry to you anonymous.  :) 

However there has been chatter on other sites that I run Rick's blog.   

January 25, 2012

'Drop the Act' Says Gaga's Boyfriend

Gaga looking normal as she leaves Kinney's beach pad

The buzz around the water cooler is that Stefani's boyfriend, Taylor Kinney, is allegedly sick of the act and alter ego and wants her to drop it.

Star Magazine is also claiming that the relationship is toxic and Stefani could "end up dead".  In addition to this, the mag is also claiming that “Their relationship is dangerous, because they completely enable each other,” adding, “They spend their time getting wasted together around the clock, drinking and doing drugs from morning till night.”

Kinney's ex girlfriend did say not too long ago that she ran into them at a restaurant where they both looked like they've been partying all night and Stefani was smoking a lot.
Star also says that Stefani and Kinney “indulged in a wild bender of binge drinking, pill-popping, bar hopping and vicious fighting” in San Diego on January 15 and 16.
The pair allegedly “started off first thing in the morning drinking vodka” at Kinney’s house, says an “insider,” who says from there they hit up two local bars, “smoking pot and popping pills along the way.”

Furthermore a source says “Taylor is a horrible influence on her because he parties just as hard as she does, if not harder.” and that "Gaga immediately gives in to him because she’s insecure. It’s pathetic.”

If any of this is true, any smart girl would know that you don't need a man who tries to change you.  He knew who and what he was getting involved with from day one.  To anyone with half a brain, you'd know that Stefani was not "born this way" but is a manufactured product that has become so entangled with this Gaga persona that I think she can't tell the difference between the two anymore.

Pictures surfaced of Stefani leaving Kinney's beach pad with him looking pretty normal.  Could it be that insecure Gaga is all talk and giving in to her man?

Or maybe he just wants her to be herself off the stage.  On stage in one thing but I would feel incredibly uncomfortable if I were a guy and my girlfriend insisted on the theatrics 24/7.  What's it like to go on a date to the movies or dinner and your girlfriend is wearing a thong with fishnets and 12 foot heels?  Not very practical is it.  

Is he being unreasonable or does he have a valid concern?

Either way, the relationship seems like a total mismatch and I personally don't see this lasting. 

Let's take a look at some past quotes made by Lady Gaga shall we.

  • I don't think I could live without hair, makeup and styling, let alone be the performer I am. I am a glamour girl through and through. I believe in the glamorous life and I live one.  
  • Some women choose to follow men, and some women choose to follow their dreams. If you're wondering which way to go, remember that your career will never wake up and tell you that it doesn't love you anymore.
  • Don't you ever let a soul in the world tell you that you can't be exactly who you are.
  • Your love is nothing I can't fight. Can't sleep with a man who dims my shine. 
  • Well my music was different in high school; I was singing about love—you know, things I don't care about anymore.
So, will she heed her own advice or will she chose to cling to this demon and continue this bad romance?

This song seems appropriate way to end this story.