January 29, 2012


One thing that I cannot stand, one thing that drives me to a point where I need to get into a zen space real fast is anything that causes harm and injury to animals.  This story is an outrage and it's making it's way around the Internet very quickly.  

If you're angry like me and want to express your anger, feel free to contact Ogden CAP Properties.  They manage the property.  The condo board members refuse to take any responsibility.

I have a dog and I love him more than anything I can ever imagine.  I work with dogs part time, all types of breeds.  I totally understand the anguish Nick Santino must have felt. I don't know why Santino didn't feel he could send his beloved dog to a friend or family while he searched for a new place.  It's an extreme reaction however the condo board made his life a living hell as did several impossible tenants.