December 11, 2012

More Perez Tweets

Perez Hilton just tweeted Paws Down Little Monsters!  I wonder how long he's been reading the blog.

And he just followed me on Twitter!

Something is going to go down between he and Gaga, and it's going to be good.  I just hope he doesn't chicken out.   He should, without question, blow the lid on this fakery called Lady Gaga.

December 10, 2012

Perez Hilton tweeting more cryptic messages about Lady Gaga

What is going on here?  Perez seems to know something and whatever it is, he's on the verge of letting it out.  What do you think it could be?

For more on the Perez Twitter fight with Tara Savelo, Lady Gaga's very own pet sycophant, visit Hurt's blog Shit Monsters Say.  It's a good one! 

Huffington Post finally reports on Gaga's disastrous ticket sales

The truth has a funny way of revealing itself.  Read the rest on the Huffington Post.

Thanks GonnaGetReal for the link.

December 7, 2012

My appreciation

I just want to take a moment to tell all of you, my loyal readers, how much I appreciate your comments, the tips you send me and the simple fact that you visit my blog at all.  I have a lot of naysayers and people who probably want my head on a platter! The truth is that I knew there were a lot of people who could also see through the Gaga machine as I can and here we all are! So thank you for being here. You're all my little monsters!  Ok, that was a joke.  I wish all of you nothing but the very best as 2012 comes to an end.  My God!  2012!  Where the hell did all the years go!  Time goes by so quickly!  2013 will kick ass!  Love you all!  Thank you.

December 6, 2012

Lady Gaga disastrous ticket sales not reported to Billboard Boxscore

Seriously, are we really surprised that Live Nation hasn't reported her box office numbers to Billboard?  I'm sure payola and corruption played a part in this.  Even with all the lies from Gaga and her camp, iMadonna hasn't been able to keep the truth from being completely suppressed.  I'm sure Gaga will understand though, since she's such a champion of truth, empowerment, being the better person and bravery.  Or maybe that doesn't pertain to her or when it comes to her career; what's left of it. 

Read the entire article written by Jemuel DaSilva on The Examiner.

Thank you Cade and Robbie Antonio for sending the Examiner article to me.

December 4, 2012

Lady Gaga plays "pretend UN Ambassador"; continues to live half way between fantasy and reality

While in South Africa, Lady Gaga stopped by primary school Isibindi Safe Park, to visit children and speak to them about empowerment. iMadonna announced that she is teaming up with the United Nations (LOL) and UNICEF to help spread her Born This Way message.   She tweeted to 75% of her fake followers.

Of course the "breeding of compassion" is not extended toward animals.  She also tweeted a series of pictures documenting her visit.

Oh I can just imagine what this circle time was like.

GAGA: Now listen kids, if anyone ever says you're fat, just do what I do.  Take a bunch of pictures of yourself in your underwear with your iPhone. Make sure to really emphasize your ass by sticking it out.  Then plaster it all over the Internet.  That's called Body Revolution.  Can you say that?

KIDS:  Body Revolution

GAGA:  Good!!  Now remember, you're all superstars.  We can all be superstars.  We're all born superstars. But remember pop stars don't eat ok.  And they smoke weed.  Now lets sing a song.  One of mine of course. 

To prove that she's serious about empowering the youth of today, she tweeted this.

To further prove just how serious she is about helping the poor, Lady Gaga blew a million dollars scooping up Michael Jackson memorabilia at a recent auction.   Too bad she didn't use that money to buy flour to make bread for the poor.  

Then she retweeted Hayden Williams tweet. 

Yes Gaga, obviously you're in agreement with that quote and clearly you think you are greater than the greats. Although I think you are a little confused between "copying" the greats and actually becoming greater than them. It's nice to dream though Gaga.   Don't dream too long though, you're starting to slip into a coma.

White Stripes singer Jack White can't stand Lady Gaga