May 28, 2012

Ok guys...I'm gonna try to make this clear enough so that there will be no room for misunderstanding.  

I do not, repeat, DO NOT have a problem with anyone believing in God, a God, Jesus or whatever else you believe in.

I myself am not sure, repeat, AM NOT SURE, what is out there.  I consider myself agnostic opposed to atheist.  So I do not reject an idea of a supreme being nor am I 100% convinced in the existence of one.

What I DO reject is a group (however small or large) of overly religious people using their religion to butcher the positive message religion tries to send out in order to fulfill their agenda. 

These people would NOT EXIST IF IT WERE NOT FOR ORGANIZED RELIGION AS A WHOLE.  You cannot deny that certain people become fanatical over their religion.  NOT ALL BUT ENOUGH TO GIVE IT A BAD NAME TO SOME!!!

You can believe in a God and not follow an organized religion.  To me, there is a distinct difference between the two.  I guess the cliche "to each their own" is appropriate here.  Yes, I am not a fan of organized religion and for that I make no apologies.  Why should apologize for my beliefs?  Do you? 

What I will apologize for is offending some of you.  That was not my intention.  I am not bullying religious people or being hateful.  I am merely stating my beliefs in a blogging format tied into a Lady Gaga story.  If I were sitting with you one on one over coffee and religion came up as a discussion and I told you I have some problems with it, would it be less offensive?  

If my belief is offensive to you, or the belief of an atheist, do you ever consider that your beliefs are offensive to us? It goes both ways.  I chose to place value in something that has evidence to back it up opposed to simply relying on faith in something not proven, and there is nothing wrong with that.  Just as there is nothing wrong with someone choosing faith over fact.  

Above all else, I respect you all for your opinions on what you believe in.  I was not trying to disrespect any of you.   When I hear or see something that I feel is an injustice and the people causing that injustice are fighting in the name of their religion, it really bugs me and gets me started.

If I lived back in the middle ages, witnessing women being burned at the stake by the Catholic Church, which they did in the name of God, it wouldn't piss me off any less.

So, my heartfelt apologies to the ones I offended.  That's all I will ever say on religion from this point on.

FYI - I read your comments so that's the reason for this post.

May 27, 2012

Madonna Taking Jabs at Gaga During Her Tour...LOL

Is Madonna poking fun at Lady Gaga?  Seems that way.  Audio from the M.D.N.A. tour leaked online and it obvious Madonna is giving Gaga the ol'bitch slap by mashing up Born This Way and Express Yourself  and ending it with She's Not Me.  

Maybe Madonna shouldn't have gone down this road because it makes her look like she's preoccupied with Gaga.  On the other hand, kudos to her.  Stefani has been preoccupied with Madonna from the very beginning; charting her career on the same course as her.  I'd be pretty pissed off too if my entire song, note for note, was plagiarized.


Lady Gaga Cancels Concert in Jakarta

I understand that Lady Gaga cancelled her concert in Indonesia.  I'm trying to control myself and not go into an anti-religion rant.  Not in her defense, oh no.  But in the defense of fucking sanity!!

Religion breeds insanity, violence, hate and delusion.

Rationalism breeds atheists and open mindedness. 

Period. The End.  Because I said so.

Do you know what I think is so Allah-damn funny?  That the Islamic hard liners threaten chaos at Stefani's concert because they believe it is evil.  They purchase tickets to infiltrate it, likely to terrorize people in the form of suicide bombers and who knows what else.  Maybe even kill tons of what are primarily CHILDREN AND TEENS.   

 Then they have the audacity to call her the devil!!!!

Fuck. You.

Any rational person will see the fallacy in their way of thinking.  It's just nuts. Nuts.  I said it before and I'll say it again.  This world would be a far better and more peaceful place without religion.  I'm moving to another planet.

Here are two documentaries I'd like to share.



May 26, 2012

One Year Already!!

To mark Cheat This Way's one year anniversary, regular visitor Hurt made a video.  Check it out folks and wait until the song kicks in.  Then make sure to watch the end.

Thank you Hurt.  Very cute!

May 24, 2012

Lady Gaga Continues to Show Cultural Ignorance, Pisses People Off in Thailand

Once again Lady Gaga has offended scores of people with her ignorance when it comes to culture and race.  Stefani landed in Bangkok for her next show and tweeted

So, Stefani lands in a country with tons of history and culture and this is the only thing that stands out for her about being there.  Interesting.  The fake Rolex comment is unbelievably annoying when it's obvious she can afford a real one.  Stefani is a pretender, pretending to be like the regular folk and wants everyone to believe that she is on our level.  This coming from someone who paid almost $200,000 for a car.  When I see her driving around in a used Suzuki, then talk to me about a fake Rolex.  

Thai DJ Surahit Siamwalla tweeted 'We are more civilized than you think'. Siamwalla has a ticket to Friday's show in Bangkok but said he plans to boycott.

On, a Thai popular web board, some people said they were insulted by her comments and will cancel their plans to watch her concert.

Thai are understandably offended when ignorant outsiders like Stefani focus on the negative aspects of a country instead of taking the time to learn about the richness of it.  Read a book Stefani, and no, Vogue magazine doesn't count as reading.

Nont Armarttasn, fan or perhaps a former fan, sarcastically noted on his Facebook page. 'Welcome to the land of counterfeit products, love,' he said. 'I'm sure there are plenty of fake Gaga CDs, too.'  Everyone in Thailand should burn their Born This Way CD and buy fake ones just to make a statement.  In fact, someone should sell fakes outside the venue the night of her show.

The lady market comment could be another form of ignorance, or stupidity, whatever you want to call it.    The Lady Market in Hong Kong is a very popular outdoor market that sells knock offs.  

Stefani must be assuming that because she's in another Asian city, they must have a lady market too.  Just like all people from Asia are Chinese!

This isn't the first time Stefani had her lack of knowledge severely confused.

We can add this to the list of culturally ignorant comments spewed by Lady Gaga.  Do you remember when she was in Japan and painted her eyes like a panda bear thinking she was giving homage to  Japanese culture?  Someone should have told her that the panda is part of Chinese culture.

One thing Lady Gaga has perfected is how to make an ass of yourself.  Like I said before, she is the Court Jester of Pop.