March 16, 2012

From Paws Down Lil' Monsters: Gaga Stage vs Madonna Stage

This is unbelievable!  Check out this entry on Paws Down Lil' Monsters Tumblr page.  Oh Caca!  How transparent are thee.

March 14, 2012

Lady Gaga Tells Oprah She Won’t Be Doing Interviews for a While

Stefani's snooze fest with Oprah Winfrey airs this Sunday March 18th where Stefani lets Oprah into her childhood home.  You know, the swanky pad on the Upper East Side with the kind of lifestyle that allowed her to go to a super expensive school where she was allegedly bullied but classmates say that wasn't true.  


Stefani reveals that she is not planning to give any interviews for quite a while and is quoted, “Other than this interview, Oprah, I do not intend to speak to anyone for a very long time.”

Could this be that Stefani is acknowledging that she's been overkill for the past two years and has decided to go into hiding?  I've noticed that she's been laying low for a while.  There hasn't been much news on her at all most noticeably since the monumental "reductive" comment uttered by Madonna.

What will happen? Will Stefani implode because she won't be getting the attention she so desperately craves?  Will she have to be put on life support?  Can she take it?  Will she now grab a box of Count Chocula and dump that all over herself when the withdrawal symptoms kick in.

Either way, I hope she will fade into obscurity and take her craptastic music with her. 

March 13, 2012

Die Antwoord Blast Lady Gaga, Reveal They Turned Down Tour

Yeah OK Gaga.  Did you honestly think these guys would jump at a chance to tour with you? LOL.  Nice try.  FAIL!  Maybe Stefani should ask One Direction to tour with her.  Or Rebecca Black.  This is a prime example of how delusional Our Lady of Massive Ego views herself.  She thinks she on the level of Nine Inch Nails to ask the electro / rap version Nine Inch Nails-esque band to tour with her.  Nope, sorry.  You wish.  See ya!

You can watch the short interview clips at

Check out I Fink U Freeky by South Africa's Die Antwoord.


March 10, 2012

Did Lady Gaga Rip Off Natasha Bedingfield?

I posted this once when I first started this blog but I have to post again because the similarities are astounding.  The original song being "Pocket Full of Sunshine" by Natasha Bedingfield and the copy "So Happy I Could Die" by Stefani.

Does it sound the same to you?

March 9, 2012

A HA!!!


OIL FOUND IN UGANDA = TIME FOR US TROOPS TO DEPLOY TO UGANDA.   Is this the real reason for the Kony 2012 campaign?  Has America sunk this low to manipulate citizens of the world by over hyping a humanitarian issue to catch "the bad guy" in order to tap into oil. 

Makes fucking sense to me.  Your donations......I wouldn't doubt it if this feed the US military machine.   

The highest rated comment on the YouTube video reads like this:

This is an excuse for the US Gov't to enter Uganda FOR OIL... Geesh people! don't be fooled so easily.. do your research FIRST. African Union is being set up, this is whats really happening. Remember when The US Gov't said Iraq has "Nukes" so they have to stop Saddam Hussein but in reality they came for the OIL. Remember The US Gov't went into Afghanistan to "Capture" Osama Bin laden for "Striking" the Twin Towers down.... but in reality The US Gov't went to get the OPIUM.... WAKE UP. 

What do you think?

Here's a bunch of Google links on the oil found in Uganda five years ago.


Thanks for that link Anon 10:57 pm. It's embedded above.

March 8, 2012

Kony 2012 Video is Bullshit


Thanks to Anon that posting this link.   Since the explosion of Kony 2012 yesterday, there's been reports calling Invisible Children a scam or not being entirely truthful.  Until Invisible Children addresses these accusations, I'm withdrawing my support.  I haven't donated anything. I almost did though, last night.  I was about to get out of bed to grab my wallet when I realized I left it in the car.  They say everything happens for a reason right.  I'll be taking this intelligent young lady's advice and educating myself.

Invisible Children needs to come clean because the stuff I've read and listened to so far doesn't seem so far fetched.  Besides, why would anyone try to discredit a charity for doing good?  There's probably a good reason.  

Let's not forget Syria.  Peace.

Part II below.


MUST READ! An investigative article by The Guardian UK about the accusations.

UPDATE:  Invisible Children has responded.  What they say makes a lot of sense too.  Except the part about Ke$ha being a poet.  The fuck? 

So, who to believe?  

March 7, 2012

Lady Gaga 'furious' about biopic

In other words, she's doesn't want to be portrayed as she really is?  She'd rather......hang on.......wait for it........have the LIE portrayed!   Listen Stefani, a biopic isn't needed to convince people you're insecure and needy.  People already know that honey.  It's more obvious than you think.  It's nothing to be ashamed of but don't confuse yourself with an Oscar winning actor because you're not that good at fooling people.