February 22, 2012

Lady Gaga Calls Herself a Slut and Is Proud

Lady Gaga lent her voice in the Season Finale of The Simpsons where she will be playing herself. Isn't that an ironic statement, 'playing herself'. Buah!

The episode is titled "Lisa Goes Gaga" where Stefani visits Springfield to cheer Lisa up. She probably gets her drunk and passes her a little something special stuck under her pinky nail. 

When asked about the role she is playing on The Simpsons, Stefani proudly responded "I play a little bit of a slut. The apple doesn't fall far from my artistic tree."

Firstly, why would someone proudly declare that they're a slut?  Secondly, she's not artistic.  She's a stupid pop star.  There's nothing artistic about that and there's nothing she can say or do to convince any intelligent person that what she does is art.  It's corporate, manufactured pop.  Period.

So lets organize a few things and list them.  We've got:

1.) slut
2.) coke head
3.) ex stripper, excuse me......"go-go dancer"
4.) alleged plagiarizer
5.) chain smoker
6.) chain drinker (see Lady Gaga's Twitter feed)
7.) harassed by Satan (her claim, not mine)
8.) alleged man stealer
9.) insecure narcissist / histrionic
10.) pathological liar
11.) alleged thief (Japan charity bracelet scandal)

Such redeeming qualities!  Do we really want this woman telling people that they can be all that they want to be? 

Stefani even predicts her own death.....by alcohol.  Skip to 6:20. 

Let me get this straight.  Go on a bully witch hunt because bullies are bad and damage a kid's self esteem and confidence. Possibly drive them to suicide BUT proudly proclaim that you're a slut because that's "who she really is, being all that she really wants to be".   Isn't that indirectly sending a message that being a slut is cool?  Sleeping around with man after man after man can be really damaging to a young girl.  It's a self esteem killer.   Most young girls do it because they want a boyfriend or to be loved or to be accepted.  When you do things to damage "you", you're bullying yourself!  So now this whack job is starting a "Born This Way" Foundation.  Oy vey.

CaCa is like a missile without a guiding system.  She shouldn't be allowed to speak.  Ever.


Copying or Inspiration?

Here's a still shot of Lady Gaga from her Paparazzi music video.

Look familiar?  Check this out.

That very same outfit was used in George Michael's 'Too Funky" video.  I believe it was worn by model Karen Mugler.

That's not it from the video though.  How about this pic?

Now look at this.

That's a screenshot from the same video of model Linda Evangelista.

Here's the video.


Should I....

Allow anonymous commenter's again?  I mean, why should I change it?  It was fun and lively with the debates and flame wars.  That was part of this blog.  I would laugh most of the time and found it entertaining.  Why not just moderate the comments?  Meaning they will post automatically without me having to approve them first but any hateful, racist, etc type comments will be removed.

Wasn't it more fun before?  Thoughts?

February 21, 2012

Open ID

Hi guys

If you want to comment on this blog, you have to be registered.  Go to Open ID to set it up and start commenting again!  I appreciate you all visiting here and commenting.  If you have a Google, Live Journal, Wordpress, AIM or Type Pad account, you should be able to comment without Open ID. 

I know this sucks because I didn't mind the 'anon' postings but I hope you don't feel deterred by setting up an Open ID.  It's not really that "open".  If you pick a name like "Lucky_65" for example, we still don't know who you are.  You're still "anonymous".


Let's Get One Thing Straight.........

Super Amanda.  I am NOT, I repeat NOT your alleged stalker.  I am NOT Royal Lioness" aka Lady Gaga Project/Randy Aaron/Pete Buchanan etc and I'm no where near Alaska and I'm definitely not a geologist although that sounds like a really interesting career.

Blogger has back links I'm sure you know and now I can read how YOU libeled me by ACCUSING me of being you stalker and accusing me of being the same person behind the Help Mother Monster blog.  All of your accusations are unequivocally false with no merit or proof whatsoever. 

Wanna read folks?

I never even heard of you until your dragged your bullshit over to this blog.   I've let you comment here the same way I let everyone else, with no censorship.  How dare you go around saying I'm this stalker and person who has been impersonating you online.  I have done nothing to you and yet you have your attorney investigating me.  Time to find a new attorney because he or she is barking up the wrong tree.

I wonder if accusing someone of being a stalker is slander? 

For the record, I personally don't think Royal Lioness is who you say she is either. She's been posting here for a while and only stopped because of you.  Never once did she say or do anything that would lead ANY OF US who've come to know her to believe what you say she is.

You also accuse the person running the Paws Down Mother Monster Tumblr site of being your stalker.  So I guess I also run that site right?  Whoops!  More libel!  More slander!

By the way, I have screen caps too.