December 15, 2013

Lady Gaga is the new Spinal Tap

Spinal Tap moment

A Spinal Tap moment.  I couldn't have said it better myself.  That's the perfect analogy to describe Lady Gaga's ARTFLOP era.  Spinal Tap, a faux rock band and genius mockumentary poking fun at the rock n'roll lifestyle, playing up the douche baggery of the stars and the pretentiousness that follows super stardom.  When a star reaches this plateau, extreme delusion takes over, leading them to think that anything they do is ground breaking, praise worthy, monumental and, uh, art.  Instead, it generates eye rolls and laughter.  Kanye West anyone?

Stefani's ARTPOP era has her churning out incredible nonsense that you have to wonder if she's actually believing it herself.  The extremely sad thing is that she does.  That's what makes her the new Spinal Tap because just like the band in the film, she is believing her own hype.  Three big Spinal Tap moments for me was when she fell of her piano, Volantis the Flying Dress and the Abramovic Method video.  When I first saw the two, I couldn't believe she actually thought this was a good idea!


Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Honestly, what is this?  I laughed for days after I saw this.  I was embarassed for her. There are some things you should never put on the Internet and this dolt in the forest video is a perfect example.   Is it any wonder that Troy Carter walked because I'm starting to think that's exactly what happened. He jumped off that speeding train before it ran off it's rails and crashed head on into the side of a mountain.  Stefani has completely lost focus on what made her so appealing in 2008. She's lost that edge and that quality that made her stand out from the rest.  Now she's a pop star parody and no one takes her seriously anymore.

Maureen Callahan, the same author that wrote The Rise and Fall of Lady Gaga, published a scathing article in the New York Post.  What happened to Lady Gaga she asks.  That's a question with a cornucopia of answers.   Callahan breaks it down in such a way that even Stefani would be hard pressed to not understand.  

What was your Gaga "Spinal Tap" moment?