November 8, 2013

Lady Gaga's dream was to piss off Madonna

Lady Gaga sat down with UK magazine Attitude and the delusion emanating from this woman is enough to leave even Rob Ford at a loss for words.  Gaga talked about the comparisons between Express Yourself and Born This Way saying that she honestly does not believe the two songs sound alike.  Everyone else on the planet hears it except Lady Gaga, who's the music professional and surrounds herself with producers.  If anyone should be able to hear that pink elephant farting, it's her.  I guess she wasn't born with ears.

On Madonna singing Born This Way during her latest tour 'I have to be really honest, I was completely kind of floored that Madonna was singing my song on her stage every night!  I mean, Madonna’s… she’s Madonna. I looked up to her for a long time. I’m not quite sure what her intention was – to do that in the show, but I don’t really care.'.

You don't know what her intention was?  Stefani, she was mashing your song with Express Yourself and played She's Not Me at the end.  I think the intention was pretty obvious.   You can play stupid all you want but don't insult the public's intelligence. You damn well know what she meant.  The fact that you even have to talk about it bugs you.  People who really don't care, don't say anything because it's not on their mind.

Here's the real kicker that proves Gaga is using too much blow.  She thinks she's punk rock!!!  ‘And as a punk-rocker from New York, I’ve basically been hoping that I would become so good that one day I would piss off Madonna!’

My ears are deaf from all the LOL's I hear!!  Somewhere Sid Vicious is clawing his way out of his grave to beat the shit out of her with his bass guitar, then vomit all over her and Henry Rollins just shit himself.   I'd love to know what the Sex Pistols think about this.  Can someone tell her that real punk rockers don't sing pop songs and they sure as fuck don't write lyrics like this:

Don't be a drag, just be a queen.

Malcolm McClaren would have laughed her sorry, deluded ass out of his office, and tripped her on your way out!  Honestly Gaga, fuck off.  You really have your head up your own ass.  You're not punk rock, you never have been punk rock and you never will be punk rock.  And if you're bisexual, Brad Pitt is fucking me on the down low.  This video is punk rock dear, and you are nothing like it.  Shut your mouth and don't insult real punk rock with your desperation to be part of club that will never, ever accept you; not in this lifetime or any other lifetime.


Here's a real hysterical, karmic story.  Guess who's climbing higher and higher on Billboard, ready to take over the music world?  Not the punk rocker.

More like FLOP ROCKER!  When is that spaceship taking off?