October 9, 2012

Oh come on! Lady Gaga meets with Julian Assange

Doing her best Wicked Witch of the East impression, the wannabe activist met up with Wikileaks founder Julian Assange at the Ecuadorian embassy in London.  The only thing I have to say about this is oh pahleeze!!!!

Can someone please tell me what connection she could possibly have with Julian Assange?  Or what they could possibly have in common?  As far as I'm concerned, Gaga is part of what Assange is fighting against.  The whole corporation, media manipulation bit.  This meeting has peaked my interest in the whole - and I hate to use this word - Illuminati connection.  I just do not understand how a meeting like this could possibly come to fruition or what her motivation could be, other than a photo op. Plus she's making that stupid face again.  Does Stefani ever smile?

The only connection, and it's a non connection, is when Adrian Lamo downloaded all the secret information now available on Wikileaks on a CD marked "Lady Gaga".  That's it. 

Anyone on Vigilant Citizen?  Are they saying anything about this on there?