October 31, 2012

Lady Gaga "Adele is bigger than me"

Lady Gaga gave an interview to Stylist Magazine where she opened up about several topics, one of which being her recent weight gain.  She says the attention to her weight gain was ridiculous and although not asked about Adele, iMadonna felt the need to bring her up anyway, followed with a back handed compliment.

"I thought, well I don’t really care if they think I’m fat, because, quite honestly, I did gain about 30 pounds. Adele is bigger than me, how come nobody says anything about it? She’s so wonderful and I think her confidence is something I have to match. She has set the bar very high for a lot of women."

Allow me to answer her question.  The reason why no one picks on Adele, other than Gaga's fans, is because Adele is genuine.  Adele is sincere.  Adele has that likability factor.  Adele doesn't exhaust herself by whoring herself out in every capacity just to get some publicity.   Adele isn't releasing product line after product line trying to scam her fans thus making herself a corporate drone in the process.  When Adele opens her mouth in an interview, you hear a real person and not some pretentious, arrogant, self centered and self righteous cunty pop star. 

Lady Gaga however has made herself an easy target.  By placing herself in the media constantly by using ridiculous, incomprehensible shenanigans, turning people off by wearing fur in excess, coming across as a supercilious, pompous know it all (museum piece de resistance anyone?), she has systematically alienated so many; from the general public to the media.  It's hard to take anything she says or does seriously anymore.  

For someone who claims to not care what people think of her, she certainly snivels about it a lot.  Lady Gaga is constantly whimpering or blubbering about what people have done or are doing to her.  Take her recent Twitter spat with Calvin Harris or Cathy Horyn.  Lady Gaga cared so little about what Horyn thinks of her that she actually changed lyrics in a song to attack her.  All because Horyn doesn't hold Gaga in high esteem.  Gaga, it's okay for people not to like you, just so you know. 

Stefani cares very much about what people think of her.  She is acutely aware of that, make no mistake.  That's why she has made herself out to be the perpetual victim.  Bully she cries!  There is no bravery in Lady Gaga.  A brave person sees no reason to wallow in self pity as she does while on stage.

The ramblings you just read are the ramblings of a weak, insecure, self abnegating, Upper East Side princess.

Thank you to the anon who emailed the Stylist interview to me.