October 30, 2012

Who is Mitt Romney?

Never trust a Republican, especially Mitt Romney.  Mitt Romney has changed his stance on so many issues so many times that it's difficult to figure out who he really is or what he's really made of.  That makes him a missile without a guiding system and it's hard to predict what he will do if he does get in office because you don't know what he stands for.  It's really quite simple logic. A logic right wingers fail to comprehend.

In my opinion, Mitt Romney wants to be President just for the sake of being President.   He wants it's so bad and so desperately that he will change his rhetoric to cater and pander to the extreme right.  He will compromise his beliefs, whatever they may be, to make sure his next seat is in the Oval Office.  That is what a man who lacks integrity does.  

The views of The Tea Party and the Republican Party are so out of touch with the rest of the world.  They are the reason why the entire planet thinks Americans are stupid.  Issues such as basic human rights ranging from women's health to gay marriage is held is such contempt by the GOP and their supporters.  The GOP is evil.  The GOP is no longer the party of Lincoln.  It's been high jacked by racist rednecks in suits who will happily slap the Bible over your head and commit every sin behind closed doors.  They will put you in jail for 20 years for stealing a TV or smoking dope; yet if you steal millions of dollars on Wall St., you get a slap on the wrist.  They don't want "big government" dictating what their health care should be.......unless your a woman.   Then they have to audacity to claim that a woman's body automatically rejects impregnation during rape.  That is the Republican Party of today.

On health care, I find it amusing that Romney wants to give Americans the choice with their health care; by giving them a selection of available insurance packages to choose from opposed to government telling them what their health care should be. 

The problem is that most Americans cannot afford any policy offered to them. Right wingers are quick to slam health care like the system in Canada or Norway.   But they fail to mention that EVERYTHING available through universal health care in Canada is what is offered to them in their so called "packages". We don't have to pick and choose our health care based on what we can afford. It's there for us, ALL OF IT, if we need it. We won't go without a certain treatment because it's not in our "package". We don't have to pay a huge deductible BEFORE receiving the treatment like you pay for in your comical "packages". This is a completely foreign concept to any progressive country in the world. The same ones consistently rated the best countries in the world by the UN no less! Note, America doesn't not make the list, ever, and is very backwards when it comes to health care. Any American who can't see this, honestly, there is no hope for you. None.

FYI right wingers, the green countries all have universal health care.  The grey are countries the U.S.A. is on par with.  Pretty embarrassing isn't it.

If you're still not convinced that Mitt Romney is an ignorant, racist, out of touch douche bag, then watch this video of Mitt campaigning to get the African American vote in 2008.


Thank you to the anon who posted the first video in the comments.  This video needs to be seen so please share everywhere.