August 16, 2012

Gaga's Body Guards Attack


This video is making the rounds today.  I saw it on my Twitter feed and it said "Lady Gaga Shot By Fan in Romania".  I was so excited but the title was misleading.

In Romania, Gaga was spotted leaving her hotel.  As she exited the lobby, a man who intentions are unknown, comes bolting out of a revolving glass door and startles her.  Her body guards take him down.

Some people are saying the guy didn't deserve what he got.  I don't blame her for being startled.  My only regret is that he didn't get to her or have a can of red crazy glue to dump all over her.

Now that would've been quality!

Apparently the guy was shouting "I'll shoot her", in Romanian.  Any Romanian readers here that can confirm this?

As usual, her monsters are tweeting "Oh I'm worried about Mommy Monster. I hope she's OK" and other nonsense like this.  Relax.  She's fine.  Unfortunately. 

What do you guys think?  Did her bodyguards overreact?

To Edmon, although I did see the story hours before your email, as I said, it came up on my Twitter feed, I want to thank you anyway for emailing the link to me.  I appreciate all that you guys do.  I mean that. :)