April 26, 2012

Born This Way Ball Merchandise

Is Stefani finally admitting in a round about way that most of her fans are kids?  Check this out.

Unless you're five, no self respecting, mature adult would ever carry their lunch to the office in this, which will guarantee an ass kicking, stares, giggling and finger pointing from co-workers.  Every single band and solo artist sells merchandise at shows.  Mainly t-shirts, caps, programs and posters.  What's with the lunch box and bandages though? Miss I Hate Money has now become Gaga® and Company LTD.  A touring department store.  I'm sure the prices will echo Christmas at Barney's. 

April 24, 2012

Washington conducts pitbull roundup | KATC.com | Acadiana-Lafayette, Louisiana

Guys.....please spread the word about this.  I'm sickened.  

Washington conducts pitbull roundup | KATC.com | Acadiana-Lafayette, Louisiana

Is Gaga's Gaymance with the Gays Over?

According to gay radio station Gaydar it could be the beginning of the end of the love affair.  Could it be that the insincere pandering is finally being seen for what it is.....completely unauthentic and self serving.

Gaydar recently held it's Hero and Heroine Awards 2012 where listeners voted for their favourites.  The winner in the Pop Artist of the Year category is Adele.  Runners-up are Lady Gaga, Madonna, George Michael and Will Young.  

Although Stefani did get 19% of the votes, she didn't win.  Which suggests that the gay community is tiring of her nonsense. The fog is lifting and the LGBT community are able to recognize the marketing ploy designed to manipulate their vulnerabilities because to so many unsuspecting gay kids, Gaga has now given them permission to be gay.  #eyeroll

Perhaps even Perez Hilton sees through the facade.  He doesn't write about her anymore.  

What Lady Gaga really represents is the society's pigeon holed view of gay men as a stereotype and Gaga has made herself the grand finale float at a gay exploit parade.



April 22, 2012

Lady Gaga Still Bragging About Her Drug Use

Isn't she cool.

Oh here......enjoy.  I think she might have been on shrooms at 1:54.  Keep watching the Bad Romance number.  "I don't lip sync ever".....yeah right.


April 20, 2012

Lady Gaga Must Think The Public Is Stupid

How can she possibly say the things outlined in the above article? That's a rhetorical question. It's only been a few weeks since photos were released of Stefani driving around in a $200,000 car.  Does she think we're, meaning "the public",  all stupid?  

This apartment she speaketh of.....is this the same abode she visited with Anderson Cooper?  The one where a new tenant is currently living?  I thought she couch surfs because she doesn't own a place?  Didn't she recently say she stays at her parent's when she's in New York?

Stefani's made past claims about not caring for money or spending it but where is the sudden regurgitation of this coming from? Recent stories about Lady Lie This Way suggest otherwise. 

I just don't understand the constant, habitual lying. Does anyone really believe that she doesn't spend money?  I mean, seriously!  She's made enough money to feed and provide infrastructure to three poor African countries. You mean to tell me that she doesn't spend any of it.  I don't buy it....not for one second.  Bitch lies and lies and people are stupid enough to buy it. 

Stefani wants so desperately for the public to believe that she's a down to earth girl just like me and you and everyone of us "civilians".  In the beginning it was charming and seemed sincere.  Now it's transparent and disingenuous.  

Does she even realize the hypocrisy of her ways and the contradictions in her speech?