February 10, 2012

Oh Land 'White Nights'


Another song I really love.  Denmark's  Oh Land's 'White Nights".  Enjoy!

Shit Lady Gaga Says


This video makes me want to punch her in the face so bad or put my foot through the computer. Stefani has THE MOST annoying speaking voice I've ever heard. It's so whiny, shaky and crackling and reminds me of a 12 year boy starting puberty.

Around 7:00, she can't stop talking about getting wasted.  Paging A.A., A.A., you're wanted at the front desk.

Anyway, if you can make it through the whole 12:45, (I had to keep pausing and coming back to it) it's a perfect showcase of how annoying, pretentious, obnoxious, arrogant and how this hack really is completely full of herself.

I removed the parody.  It sucks.  It's not funny.

February 9, 2012

This Is So Stupid It's Funny

Really, it's stupid but for some reason, I had tears in my eyes laughing!  I'm so childish sometimes but hey, it keeps me young!

The hotel maid pic......classic.

Madonna v Lady Gaga: How the Queen of Pop Reclaimed Her Throne


Gaga's Born This Way Ball Tour Poster - Part II

When I first saw the BTW Ball Poster, it immediately reminded me of something but I couldn't pin point what.  Then just now, it hit me.  I grabbed this picture off Oh No They Didn't.

The clothing the men are wearing, the poses, reminded me so much of Duran Duran's 'Seven and the Ragged Tiger' album.

I'm not going to call it a copy because it's really not but it definitely draws some inspiration. Maybe it's just the 80's thing again.  

While I'm at it, I've read some of your comments asking why she's touring so late after releasing Born This Way?

I say good!  It's a stupid mistake.  She's going on tour more than a year after it's release.  What kind of a business move is that?  She spent the whole year promoting that crappy album.  Wouldn't you go on tour within a couple of months of it's release when it's fresh in people's minds?  Even her fans are saying they want this era over and they prefer 'The Fame' Gaga more.  So now she's going to rehash this era all over again.  As if one spin in the toilet wasn't enough!  What's wrong with this chick?  Seriously.  I'm glad she made this lousy business move if it means she'll go away faster.

Also, I'm not sure what the whole Dracula's castle, Halloween theme has to do with being born this way and celebrating equality.  Have you seen her stage sketch, you know, the one she released the day after Madonna released hers?  Yes, I know most of you have.  Well, here it is again. 

I'm not sure how those suckers with seats by the stairs on each side of the stage will feel when all they're going to see a huge freakin' wall!  And this whole "Monster Pit" nonsense......who wants to bet there will be at least one death in that thing half way through the tour?

Maybe it's the Kingdom for her fans.

Seriously Gaga, you're not mosh pit material.  It's not even cool to like you anymore.  Being a fan of yours is just about as cool as staning for Hanson. You're not bad ass and neither are your fans. 

P.S. Jo Calderone is dumb.  Stop embarrassing yourself.

Here's my favourite song off Seven and the Ragged Tiger.

Whoops!!  Wrong clip!  Here's the right one.

To Lady Gaga, Music Isn't The Only Thing To Rip Off

February 8, 2012

Born This Way Ball Tour Poster

Is this not the most amateurish piece of shit you've ever seen?

On Twitter last night, Stefani tweets that she would be releasing her poster in the morning.

Oh lookie here, she got wasted again.  So she tweeted in an hour later.

I can't wait until she tweets "OH WTF, one more bump".
She must have been drinking too much wine when she designed that poster too!!!

Lady Gaga "I'd Never Name a Tour After My Album".  You were saying?

Yup....she designed the poster herself.