November 20, 2011

Gaga Denies Feud With Madonna

Dean Piper and Lady Xerox
According to her anyway, there's no feud. Stefani was speaking with celebrity gossip blogger Dean Piper (currently the celebrity and entertainment columnist for The Sunday Mirror). The first thing GagMe wanted to address was Madonna and she had this to say about a feud between them:

“Madonna is a wonderful ­influence on me. I feel blessed to have grown up with a ­powerful, blonde woman to show us the ropes. It’s all down to her that I’m able to do what I do. I really like her new single too. The one that was leaked. There’s no problem between us.”

How does this prove there is no feud?  It doesn't.  Stefani may claim that she's OK with Madonna but it sure as hell doesn't seem like Madonna is OK with her.  Of course Stefani is OK with her!  She steals everything from her!  Why wouldn't she be OK with Madonna.  It's a very one sided point of view or she's in complete denial about Madonna's feelings toward her.  I guess she wants us to believe that because she likes Madonna's new demo song, that should be proof enough that there isn't a feud. 

Lady Who?  Maybe she needs to watch that video.  I think it's pretty clear where Madonna stands on this whole debauchery pathetiqué called Lady Gaga. 

November 18, 2011

Gaga "Inspired" By "Give It 2 Me"?

Ok, so I've heard from some of you in the comments and I read on random sites on the world wide web that Stefani's performance at the Children In Need concert in Manchester was heavily "inspired" from Madonna's Give It 2 Me look.  So I did a little digging and lookie at what I found.  What do you think?  Reaching or some real "inspiration" going on here?

Here's Stefani's performance of Marry the Night and then the Queen showing how it's really done.



Oh and just for awesomeness purposes.....

Frances Bean Cobain wearing a Madonna t-shirt
fuck yeah!

Richardson and Gaga

The release of Stefani's rip off of Madonna's SEX book is just around the corner and little monsters everywhere are practically wetting their diapers waiting for this piece of junk, photographed by sexual predator and pervert fashion photographer Terry Richardson.  

In this video, we have Stefani reading the introduction from her book to her fans, as if she is reading to a kindergarten class.  She might as well be, truthfully.  Note the slight fake English accent ala Madonna style. This is typical Stefani style, using big words to sound profound and deep and so desperately artistic but you have no clear idea what the fuck she is trying to say.  As per usual, Stefani appears to be dead in the face, with a monotonous voice devoid of any personality to her demeanor at all.  She's like a robot.  She slaps her book and says "it's amazing".  Shut up.

As she opens the book, she looks awkwardly to the side, off camera seemingly at someone, as if she has no idea what to do next and is looking for reassurance.  She does this a few more times throughout the video. You'll also notice that she often looks above and over the camera opposed to directly in it.  Stefani says that "if we're lucky, Terry will teach you something profound about yourself".  Oh really?  Would that be during or after he shoves his penis in your ass while you're wearing fairy wings during a photo shoot?  Maybe it's Terry Richardson she is looking at off camera, who's waving his penis around giving her a threatening look that if she doesn't good job, he's gonna slap her across the face with it. 

Then Stefani says "To say he or I make people uncomfortable is spot on" and "it's unique to Terry and his subjects that there are no limitations".  Damn straight girl!!  You THINK you make people uncomfortable but what you're actually seeing is them feeling embarrassed for you and your try hard ways.  Terry has no boundaries when it comes to his subjects.   If you aren't aware, Terry Richardson is notorious for taking advantage of his barely legal models.  He uses his power as a successful fashion photographer and preys on naive girls because he knows they so desperately want to make it in the modeling world.  So, he gets away with it. 

But this blog isn't really about Richardson, if you haven't noticed.  He's pig, yes for sure.  He even looks like a creepy, wiry little man who would only be beating off to his computer if it weren't for his job and fame.  What blows my mind is Stefani partnering with him for her book.  

Terry Richardson and a model - on the job.
Stefani claims to be all about bullying right. Well, isn't Richardson's sexual blackmail a form of bullying then? He's bullying and threatening them by using his leverage, and their desire to succeed as a top fashion model (aka cocaine addict) so he can fuck them.  And fuck he gets, lots of it.  

It's appalling that Stefani, Queen of the Underdogs, tolerates this abusive behavior to get into "bed" with a sexual deviant in order to release a picture book of her (ME! ME! ME!) to guessed it.....MORE MONEY! Oh, and also to stay on the Madonna path so she can be like her.  I wonder if Madonna has grounds to charge her as a stalker?

Then we have that Gaga cock sucker Perez Hilton.  When the Richardson scandal broke, Perez wasted no time posting negative press about him, as he should.  He posted several posts on his Coco Perez site.

But when his wifey, Gaga, partners up with the "photog", Pigrez's tone changes.  All of a sudden Terry becomes "Uncle Terry".  A term Richardson coined for himself and asks his models to address him that way.

Everyone knows that Pigrez is on Stefani's payroll and he's paid to write solely positive press about her and completely leaves out anything negative such as the Japan charity scandal for which Stefani has been sued.  Pigrez will never admit it but it if you visit his site, it's pretty obvious.

Knowing what Richardson has done to these girls, Pigrez now totally overlooks it because Lady Money Hungry is working with him.  Now Pigrez endearingly refers to Richardson as Uncle Terry.  

Oh, the things we over look for attention and money.

By the way, what the fuck is wrong with Stefani's eyes in the video above?  Kinda reminds me of this video:

I wonder if Stefani had some of Terry's tampon tea?

Thanks to Brienna for emailing the links to me.

November 16, 2011

Sucks To Be You Gaga

Billboard Pricing Policy, Effective November 21, 2011

November 15, 2011
By Billboard staff

Unit sales for Albums priced below $3.49 during their first four weeks of release will not be eligible for inclusion on the Billboard album charts and will not count towards sales data presented by Nielsen SoundScan.

*The rule also applies to reissued titles.
*New Holiday/Seasonal titles must meet the minimum threshold through the final week of the calendar year.
*Unit sales for albums or EPs with 8 or less tracks will not be eligible for charting if the retail price is less than the sum of the tracks on the release, multiplied by $0.39.
*Minimum pricing for a multi-disc album (not a single disc with extra tracks), where the extra disc is audio content, will be $3.49 times the amount of discs being made available.
*For digital-only deluxe editions, any extra content exceeding nine tracks would be considered the equivalent of an extra disc. Each additional 10 tracks thereafter would be the equivalent of an additional disc.

Unit sales for Digital Tracks priced below $0.39 during their first three months of release will not be eligible for inclusion on Billboard's digital songs charts.

If a retailer offering a title for less than the above stated prices is a daily reporter to Nielsen SoundScan, units will be removed for charting purposes solely for the dates in which the title was priced less than the minimum.

*If a title was priced under the minimum during a portion of the day, all sales for that title on that day will not count towards the Billboard charts unless accurate transaction data for that title during the specific sales hours can be provided to Nielsen SoundScan for verification.

If a retailer offering a title for less than the above stated prices is a weekly reporter to Nielsen SoundScan, all units for that title sold by the retailer in the week will be removed for charting purposes unless accurate transaction data for that title on the sale date(s) can be provided to Nielsen SoundScan for verification .

Please note that the minimum pricing rule would not apply to any store-wide music liquidation sales.


Cheaters never prosper.

Billboard Defends Controversy

On May 26, 2011, Billboard wrote an article titled “Editor’s Note: Why Billboard Isn’t Revising Chart Policies for Lady Gaga’s Amazon Deal.” In the article, author Bill Werde tried to deflect the controversy on Britney Spears fans. However, many in the industry accused Billboard of siding with record company executives rather than representing the music buying public.

The very next week, Lady Gaga’s Born This Way took a historic drop of 84 percent in sales. It wasn’t seen as a coincidence that the album fell after the 99 cent discount ended. Despite heavy promotion, Born This Way continued to drop in sales and is now out of the top 40. Billboard became silent about the controversy, until this week.

November 15, 2011

More Shit From Gaga's Workshop

More cheap, made in China crap from Stefani's workshop.  

$65 magnetic Gaga dress up set.

$18 Gaga acrylic rings - um, why? would? you? wear? this?

$25 candy bow sucker, made especially for the suckers that will buy this garbage.

November 14, 2011

Is it bad...

that I want Kim Kardashian to get hit by a speeding train and die?

Poll Results

So the poll results are in and Lady Gaga is worse than Casey Anthony.  Who would've thought the day would come when a pop star is worse than a baby killer. 

Trailing behind Casey Anthony is Kim Kardashian.

Happy Monday everyone!