August 26, 2011

I'm Honored! A YouTube Hate Video Made About Me!

                                                                                                                                                                                                  A little monster recorded a YouTube rant about me.  I guess since she posted it on the Internet, she won't mind if I post it here.  It's obviously meant to be seen, right!  Thanks for the shout out little one!

August 25, 2011

Lady Gaga at VMAs: 7 Ways She Can Still Shock Us

Thu Aug 25, 2011 8:38am EDT
Lady Gaga will open Sunday's MTV Music Video Awards, but she's going to have a hard time surprising us. There just aren't many places she can go after wearing a meat dress to last year's VMAs and arriving for the Grammys in an egg.
Still, there are a few ways she could still catch us off guard. Here are eight of them:

1. Duet With Fred Phelps. What better way to bring Gaga's sizable gay following and the homophobes of Phelps' Westboro Baptist Church together in perfect harmony? At the very least, it'd spark a mass reaction of "Ra-ra, wha-tha-fa--?!!?"

Also read: Lady Gaga's Give Most Outrageous Moments (So Far)

2. Accuse Madonna of stealing her act. Because you have to admit, they're kind of similar.

3. Devour a human infant. Gaga's charitable work for a variety of causes is well known. Could there be a better way to draw attention to the problem of world hunger? (Special thanks on this one to Jonathan Swift.)

4. Openly taunt Oprah about this.

5. Ask "Glee" to cool it with using her songs, and tell them it got a little out of hand last season.

6. Tape together Sinead O'Connor's picture of the Pope.

7. Two words: Placenta dress

Original article by Reuters.

Cher + Gaga Duet.............Thoughts?

                                                                                                                                                                        The lyrics, the melody, the arrangement, all of it just sucks and I just know this song is going to be terrible.

Just by reading the lyrics alone, the words "sappy", "cheesy", "amateur", "corny", "mushy," and "over-sentimental" come to mind.   The lyrics reminds me of the sappy girls I knew from high school who would make that puppy dog face, put their hand on their heart and scream "awwwwwwwwwwwww" whenever a slow song played on the radio or school dance.  Or when they would attempt to write poetry and it was always so gay and sappy........barf.   The poems were never deep or intense or clever, it was always dumb.  Just like the lyrics and arrangement to this song.

I can't even imagine what Cher's voice next to Gaga's will sound like.  Cher's acting is superb, fantastic.  She's one of the best actors ever in my opinion.  Her music?  Meh....cheese.  It doesn't surprise me one bit she chose this song.  I'm going to listen to it when it first comes out but I doubt I'll make it through the first 30 seconds.

Have you heard the clip above yet?  Auto tune much?
Here's a little snippet of The Greatest Thing.

I don’t know why you’ hurt, inside,
or what was said to make, you, cry.
I hope, that you can see,
you are the greatest thing to me.
And when, you’ feeling like you’re not enough.
I’ll give you wings, I’ll lift you up.
I hope, that you can see,
you are the greatest, greatest thing to me.

Ugh!  My stomach doesn't feel so good.  Where's the toilet!!!!  Not gonna make it!!! BARF!!!!!!

August 24, 2011

An In Depth Essay On Mother Monster

UPDATE:  This is a repost.  I'm getting tons of hits from little venomous monsters who are going completely nuts.  I suggest you read this very thorough essay about Lady Gaga done right HERE!

It delves into her personality, characteristics and what makes her tick.  This essay, written by Alex Knepper, is very intelligent and well researched.  

Look!! Another Story How Gaga Shows Us How She Doesn't Care About Money

Stefani is rumored to be in talks with her little freshman sister to launch their own clothing line. According to Grazia magazine it's true.  Yes, because Stefani and her sister are experts in this field, right.  Stefani has already proven that she's not original and steals from others, her sister Natali has to follow suit like the good little puppy dog she is.  The idea is to "remodel (steal) the styles of classic icons from the past, for example, Marilyn Monroe, Grace Kelly, and Katherine Hepburn" but with a modern touch.  More unoriginality posing as something ground breaking! Wow!  No doubt those lovely, classy, iconic Hollywood legends are turning over in their grave at the idea of Stefani and her sister creating this debauchery of a clothing line based on them.

Stefani really loves to blab on and on about how money means nothing to her but does nothing to back up her claim.  In fact, she does the exact opposite.  How so?  Well, Barney's Christmas campaign, 0.99 cent deals, cahoots with Best Buy and Starbucks and now her very own clothing like for the Haus of Gaga.  If there is such a thing as a walking, talking, tangible definition for the word hypocrite, we just found it in Stefani.


August 21, 2011

The Music Charts

On the Billboard 200 chart, Born This Way is at No.18 and I'm pleased to report that Foster The People's "Torches" is at No.15, ahead of Stefani and it's also a title with the greatest airplay and sales gains this week.  

Stefani's latest single "You and I", which forecasts aren't smiling favorably upon, fails to appear in most of the iTunes Store Top 10 charts except at No.7 in New Zealand and "Edge of Glory" at No.10 in Switzerland.   The single also doesn't turn up on the Billboard 100, Digital Songs or Radio Songs.

UPDATE (Aug 22 1:30 pm)  You and I is a re-entry on the Billboard 100 at No.96. It's been on the charts for two weeks and it peaked at No.36. 

See how the song is charting right here.

August 18, 2011

Lady Xerox Copycat Picture of the Day

Grace Jones and Lady Gaga

The singer/model/actress and all around legend told the newspaper that the reports were true – Gaga had asked to collaborate with her — but Grace turned Gaga down.

“Yes, she did, but I said no,” Grace said. “I’d just prefer to work with someone who is more original and someone who is not copying me, actually.”