February 3, 2014

Marina Diamandis Twitter Slaps Lady Gaga!

Spill that tea bitch! Zing! Bam! Ouch!  That must hurt Lady Gaga.  How does it feel to get a taste of that Truth Tea? Marina Diamandis of Marina and the Diamonds served it up hot and it's left a crater size scar on Gaga's career. What's left of it that is.  I'm pretty sure working with sex offenders is a bad career move.

Gaga's fans are wondering where the DWUW video is?  Kids, this is your pink, flashing, neon elephant in the room of an answer.  The answer that so many of her fans still refuse to see for what it is.  Working with a pedophile is what happened to the DWUW video.  Stefani could've stood up for what's right and what's just by using just a little bit of this one ingredient - common sense. 

Instead, she rode her bike down hypocrite path and in her feeble, little mind, she tried to rationalize running a youth foundation and working with a pedophile/rapist at the same time. Oil and vinegar lady, oil and vinegar.  It's never going to work. The fact that you tried is most disturbing.  Even more disturbing are her fans making excuses for Gaga's behaviour.  Monster's like Monster Kat, who is a huge Gaga fan but also a huge fan of Marina and the Diamonds.  I wonder what fans like Kat have to say about this now?  I'm sure Marina will be vilified for pointing out the obvious while Gaga, the pedo denier, will forever remain on their demented pedestal. 

One thing I know for sure is that anyone with common sense would not justify or make excuses for pedophiles, or for the people that chose to stick their head in the sand and ignore it.

ARTPOP is over.....bitch...it's over.