February 21, 2013

Insider Information? Informant speaks again about Lady Gaga

Our anonymous informer has posted some more information.  I have no proof as to whether the claims are true or not.  I'm posting simply to create a discussion.  

A certain informant at Interscope just gave me some top secret news about Lady Gaga's career and Artpop.
Seems like Lady Gaga or apparently TAFKALG (The Artist Formerly Known As Lady Gaga)is going to disassociate herself from Mother Monster and Lady Gaga.
She will hold a press conference for the release of Artpop in which she will break the news that she won't be called Lady Gaga anymore (just like Prince did!!!!) and more than anything she doesn't want to be associate with Mother Monster and little mosters anymore.
What a smart move from her and her team. After all everybody felt her little monsters were doing more bad than good for her career... by creating the little monsters cult she completely marginalized herself from the general public losing potential records and concert tickets sale!!
Funny how she's basically trying to distant herself from her hardcore fan base and how the little monsters react to this career move?? But Lady Gaga.. i mean TAFKALG is so sure of her fans love for her that they could believe any sort of crap and would follow her no matter what!
How are they going to call themselves now?? What do you think of this career move??

Also, the few people at Interscope who heard rough demos of some Artpop tracks are saying the album is shaping up good and Artpop itself is nothing but a smash hit. 

"Anonymous February 18, 2013 at 7:06 AM

Lady Gaga's management and her record company and Live Nation had options laid out for Gaga and her team (obviously)..
1) Scrap the tour altogether because it's simply not selling(losing money and credibility)
2) reschedule the dates and book smaller venues (possibly the most prestigious theaters with a limited capacity; changing parts of the show to fit the smaller stage and inserting new material from Artpop just to test it)

Everybody would have opted for number 2. After all she loves her fans (why disappoint them???) and she loves her new tracks so much (why not playing some demos and see what her public thinks)! And all in all it was a reasonable request and many artists in the past had to value that option if they wanted to sustain a career after all.
On the other hand, Gaga decided to just cancel the whole thing losing money and disappointing her fans because she couldn't bear the thought of "such a superstar who sold millions of records more than anyone in the industry in the last 10 years.. someone who has changed the face of music.. someone who can boast millions of fans who literally are breathing through her... no you don't fuck with them and you don't fuck with her dream... fuck live nation or interscope.. you want to send her home you do it and you better get some fucking good excuse for it .. when you will listen to Artpop you will all crawl back and she'll decide if she wants to tour with you.. you don't fuck with Lady Gaga!!"

Now change she into I and her into ME and MY and that's exactly what Lady Gaga had to say to her concert promoters.
You are all welcome!!

In my humble opinion i think it's shameful to see her going to get her latte at starbucks sitting on a wheel chair. What's she trying to prove? Ever since she got just a little be famous she always had someone to go fetch her coffee... now she's in a wheelchair she wants to go get it herself???!!! no wonder no one likes her... can you imagine the extra pain and hassle for her staff???!!...getting her in a car and out of the car and push her about??? Would it make more sense for her to stay in and send someone else as she's always done????!!! Lady Gaga can lie to the press and her fans but she is not fooling me. i know her!! i've seen her in action....
As i reported above someone i personally know from Interscope - don't work for them anymore but i still know people - told me how Lady Gaga reacted to the news that Live Nation would stop the big arena tour because they were not making enough money. They even gave her the opportunity to change the show to fit it in much smaller venues like theaters so that production costs would be reduced but Lady Gaga had no one of it and she's rather have it canceled than altered!

One day the truth will be out because my dear friend at Interscope told me how they're now starting to have enough of her attitude and the more popularity she's losing the more bitchy and nasty she's getting!

I feel more and more sorry for her fans.. especially the really young ones."