October 1, 2012

Lady Gaga Turns Down Madonna's Duet Invite

It's reported that Lady Gaga turned down Madonna's invite at Yankee Stadium.   Stefani's producer and writer Vincent Herbert confirmed on Shade 45 that the invite and decline did happen.


I personally don't understand why Madonna invited her and I'm glad Stefani turned her down.  The performance would've been a joke and Madonna should really stop cherry picking her feelings for the serial thief.  You can't publicly bitch someone out and expect them to jump at your invite.  Madonna was, in my opinion, a little overly arrogant to think this would happen.  If it even happened at all.  Until Madonna confirms this, I'm taking it with a grain of salt.  After all, Gaga once lied about the email sent by Madonna  approving the single 'Born This Way'.

Although I can imagine the Gagster shit herself happy at the chance to share the stage with her hero and idol.

Addisun, thanks for posting this video and thanks to the rest of you for the info.