October 24, 2012

Digging a little deeper into Die Antwoord's 'Fatty Boom Boom'

Check out this post on Vigilant Citizen about Die Antwoord's 'Fatty Boom Boom'.  Many people, mainly Gaga fans, are saying how nice Gaga was to them to ask them to open for her and this is the thanks she gets.  That Die Antwoord are racist for wearing black face when Gaga has in fact herself hung out with friends doing the same thing.  

Anyone who has the mind to think critically can dig a little deeper to understand why Die Antwoord nailed Fatty Boom Boom to the lion's fangs.  The Vigilant Citizen article does just that.  I knew from the second I saw the Fatty Boom Boom video that it represented more than just slagging a pop star.  It's slagging everything Lady Gaga represents. What is that you say?  A highly manipulative marketing scheme geared to consumers (fans) by making herself a brand while simultaneously mimicking an artist.  There is zero artistry in the Lady Gaga brand and trademark.  She is no longer a human being but a corporate entity.  Perfume, singing toothbrushes and now a line of bogus bottled water attests to that.  The Born This Way Foundation is a ruse.  Her weight gain and rapid weight loss is a ruse.  All designed to trick you and she is doing a marvelous job at that.

This article on the Chicago Maroon discusses exactly that.  

Lady Gaga’s brand of self-advertising a century-old technique, says historian