August 27, 2012

Attention Starved Lady Gaga Records Album Butt Naked

Gaga's working on her new album of the decade and she's been recording it in the nude.  Stefani seems to think that it makes her voice better.  

"Gaga has really taken to the idea of naked recording," says a source to The Sun newspaper. "She has been recording vocals while she’s been completely starkers."  "She thinks it makes her voice sound better."

Call me Louis Vuitton Einstein but I think if she eased up on chain smoking cigarettes and spliffs, put the Whiskey bottle down and pulled the straw out of her nose, that might actually make her voice sound better.   Maybe she should wear a museum pièce de résistance and nothing else instead. 

While she continues to not do that, I'm going to try and figure out how being naked is connected to your vocal chords.

Thanks Amen-Madonna on Twitter for sending me this picture.  Brilliant isn't it.