January 13, 2012

More Cynthia McFadden with Madonna!

She said to look it up right......

You can watch the entire interview on ABC News' YouTube channel by clicking HERE!

Reductive: tending to present a subject or problem in a simplified form, especially one viewed as crude: such a conclusion by itself would be reductive.

Reduction  — n

1. the act or process or an instance of reducing
2. the state or condition of being reduced
3. the amount by which something is reduced
4. a form of an original resulting from a reducing process, such as a copy on a smaller scale
5. a simplified form, such as an orchestral score arranged for piano
6. maths

a. the process of converting a fraction into its decimal form
b. the process of dividing out the common factors in the numerator and denominator of a fraction; cancellation
7. What Lady Gaga did to Express Yourself.