June 11, 2011

Lady Xerox

I think some of the comparisons are grasping at straws but others are spot on and obvious. Especially the undeniable comparisons to Irish singer Roisin Murphy, who is amazing by the way. Her looks that GaGa copied are from 2005-2007 roughly. Roisin manages to look beautiful in her clothing while GaGa just looks ridiculous. Other painfully obvious comparisons are to Madonna and Grace Jones. I've never been much of a Grace Jones fan but I understand her feelings toward Lady Copy Cat. Here's some quotes from Grace Jones herself on GaGa.

On GaGa approaching Grace to collaborate together, “Yes, she did, but I said no,” Grace said. “I’d just prefer to work with someone who is more original and someone who is not copying me, actually.”

“Well, you know, I’ve seen some things she’s worn that I’ve worn, and that does kind of piss me off,” she told the newspaper (UK's Guardian Newspaper).

“I wouldn’t go to see her,” she said.