June 27, 2011

Another Alternative

Gaga sheds a tear in Japan
Gaga is in a lot of deep scheiße with this charity scam allegations. To me, this whole wristband thing was another attempt to draw attention to herself. What a shocker.

So, Gaga makes these wristbands which cost money to make. Then puts it on her website so her fans have to buy one in order for proceeds to go to Japan while at the same time she advertises her brand.  It's disgusting and low.  Everything she does is so self serving. What a way to  make a tragedy about you. 

A commenter on Perez Hilton's website has this to say and I could not have said it better myself:

instead of spending money to make bracelets that advertise YOURSELF & make you look like you "care" & are doing something "good" (& inflating the prices so you make back what it cost to produce) ditch the self advertising bracelets & just donate the money you used to MAKE them? Oh no, it's an opportunity to advertise yourself & make yourself look good. Leave your fans, who aren't rich in MILLIONS like you, to pay. you knew you could get away with it though, your "monsters" will gladly pay their last cent to make YOU look good & you know that. It's just too bad your charity scam is being brought to light now. Inflate prices & skim off the top to make a profit. Let your fans clean up the mess. pathetic.

Well said.