January 26, 2014

Lady Gaga a cutter?

Media Take Out is alleging that Lady Gaga is cutting herself to cope with downward turn her career is taking.  Check this out.

Here's what I think.  Gaga is not cutting herself.  First, the scars look old.  Which indicates two things to me.

1.) She cut herself a long time ago to get attention and/or sympathy.

2.) She got it from jewellery.

I won't focus too much on point No.2 because it pretty much explains itself.  Point No.1 deserves a little more investigation.  Cutting is an obsessive disorder and is a by-product of depression, psychosis, eating disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), bipolar disorder and borderline personality disorder (BPD).  Gaga may have suffered from at least one of these conditions, most likely depression.  Because the action of cutting is obsessive, the arms of an actual cutter would look more like this:

The injuries in the pictures are relatively fresh however the scars would be much more prominent than what appears on Stefani's arms.  So if Stefani cut herself in her past or present, those five little cuts that you see on her arms are most likely an experimentation geared to get sympathy.  In elementary school, a bunch of us girls did it too.  Guess why we did it? We did it for attention.  It was a faux cry for help that was not a result of any underlying condition.

My conclusion; Gaga is not cutting herself.   In my opinion, Stefani is definitely the type of personality that would seek out a self destructive method to cope with her problems.  In her case, it's likely drugs and/or alcohol, not cutting.  She is too vain and too concerned with her appearance to do anything to her face and body. Unless it's to improve it as she did through plastic surgery.

BUT! If there's anything that would drive the self proclaimed Saviour Queen of the Gays to cut herself, it would be because she wasn't asked to perform this number at The Grammy Awards. Madonna was.