July 5, 2014

Lady Gaga tries to pass Metallica concert photo as her own

Gaga bragged about the attendance at the Festival d'été de Québec (Québec City Summer Festival) on her Instagram last night, but instead of posting her own photo... she added a filter to a photo of a Metallica concert from 2011!

Lady Gaga's Instagram photo
Original photo

Source for original photo HERE
Lady Gaga's Instagram post HERE (which will probably get deleted any time now)

Wow! Was she hoping no one would notice? Or hoping that no one would care? 

Don't worry, Gaga. This won't affect you too much. If you can get away with making a music video that's "literally an ad for rape", you can get away with this too!


Aww, someone's upset that they were called out on their lie!

Naturally, baby has to do what she always does when she's upset: whine, stamp her feet, and attempt to drag someone else into it.