November 2, 2013

Just when you think Gaga can't be anymore punchable!

 Lucky for us, Lady Gaga bestowed upon us her artistic magic as she exited her hotel in London.  It took her 2 hours to walk 10 meters to her car while crying about something; possibly her career.

The annoying meter defied physics and shattered the speed of light and sound; and made pretension into a tangible object, manifested as Lady Gaga.  Watch the video and laugh at how hard Stefani tries to be artistic. It's almost as bad as that Abramovic method video.


I was waiting for someone on a bike to speed by and smack her with a bag full of dog shit so I could laugh at it exploding all over her dress.  Seriously Taylor Kinney, what the actual fuck do you see in this chick?  I'm at a loss wondering how he can lie next to her in bed and manage to resist the urge to smother her with a pillow.
No doubt her fans are gushing at how artistic she is and how us sane folk just don't get her.  Sure.  Newsflash! You're a pop singer and no matter how hard you try, you will never be thought of as anything more than that.  Now if she's crying over that, I can understand.  Keep trying Gaga.  A for effort.  Poor thing.  Next time, make sure you take that slow walk off a short pier.

And, be sure to check out a recovering little monster's blog.   This is MonstersCulture's project and let's give him some support.