May 16, 2012

Born This Way Ball Review

Read the rest HERE.

Key Quotes from the article: (Thank you Pike for doing this)

The presentation was surprisingly demure, however, for a singer most famous for her ability to shock.

But never mind the scenes of scantily-clad male dancers caressing each other and the singer grinding against a female dancer on a motorcycle. They did not feel sensual; the former, especially, seemed rather mechanical. The show was mostly tongue-in-cheek and playful rather than offensive or harmful.

It was practically impossible to tell when she was singing live or lip-syncing to pre-recorded tracks behind those veils, but more props to the sound engineers who made it indiscernible.

Her costumes, even the infamous red meat dress, did not break new ground but never failed to excite the adoring crowd. She changed into new outfits after almost every track, the wait for which, albeit astonishingly brief, cluttered the show.

[When] Gaga and her team decided to be serious at some moments, including an interlude about creating a “new race within the race of humanity,” they fell flat.