January 16, 2012

Lady Gaga bigotry continues: Producer sends discriminatory tweet

The Examiner
Angelica Cruz, Chicago Civil Rights Examiner

Yesterday, this column reported on the disgust among civil rights activists at Chicago's Martin Luther King Jr. library when an anti-Madonna site filled with hateful posts (one—with the gorilla represented Madonna’s next adopted kid—was erased) was shown.

There were several bigoted email posts from supposed "little monsters" who called me a "Spic," "Dirty Mexican," and an "Illegal Pu**y." Those were actually some of the nicer posts I received. It was very heart breaking since I always considered myself a fan of Lady Gaga's as well. In fact, I have seen her in concert 3 times and have paid a lot of money to do so.

Today, a tweet from Lady Gaga’s beloved producer DJ White Shadow has made its round. The tweet reads, “Somebody needs to take their old lady medications before they are allowed to talk in public,” which obviously refers to Madonna. There are also some other harsh words.

True civil rights leaders and followers believe nobody should be discriminated against for something they are not in control of and age is one of them. Lady Gaga is an extremely talented woman who has done a lot of commendable work for gay rights. Perhaps she will speak out against the hate being spread by some of her fans and employees. We sent an email to her publicist, but have not received a response.